Questions tagged [google-fit-sdk]

An open platform that lets users control their fitness data. Google Fit lets developers build smarter apps and manufacturers focus on creating amazing devices.


Google Fit's open APIs allow any connected apps and devices to seamlessly share data, all of which gets sucked up by Google Fit.


Official Page

249 questions
1 answer

Android: How to get Google Fit data from Wearable device?

I'm following the same steps described here (the Google Fit client connection part is working fine). final DataType dataType=TYPE_STEP_COUNT_DELTA; DataSourcesRequest requestData = new DataSourcesRequest.Builder() …
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3 answers

Get Current Activity from Google Fit API Android

I am working on demo application to get current activity sample using Google Fit. I can get Speed as well as Distance correctly. But it is not returning "in_vehicle" or "biking" state very frequently though I was in the same state. Find attached…
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Step count retrieved through Google Fit Api does not match Step count displayed in Google Fit Official App

I have developed an application that needs to display daily steps count. To do this, I used the API available in Google Fit SDK. All seems to be working properly, but the steps count I get does not match to the one displayed in Google Fit Official…
Thomas Thomas
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1 answer

Google Fit SessionsApi not returning all sessions in time range

Somehow I've run into a dead end with the Google Fit Android SDK. Currently I'm building an application that reads, displays and processes data from Google Fit to give users insights on their workout behavior. My situation is as follows: I used to…
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2 answers

Access Android Wear Fit Data

I'm developing an app for Android Wear on Samsung Gear Live (Google I/O Edition) where it will need access heart rate and steps count history data. I know that later this data might be accessible using Google Fit SDK, but is it possible to read that…
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3 answers

Android ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION Permission SDK 28 running on Android 10/Q (SDK 29)

My Android app targets SDK 28 and connects to Google Fit to upload data and read some other data. The app uses the HistoryAPI to read data. This documentation claims that…
1 answer

Fitness startBleScan successful but scan Stopped with MI Band 2

I want to request sensor data from my mi band 2 using my android app in real time. I have some difficulties with this. I use permissions BLUETOOTH and BLUETOOTH_ADMIN. I checked that I can see my device via Bluetooth le default API. I am trying to…
Vadim Eksler
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1 answer

How to properly retrieve package name of the app that inserted data to Google Fit?

I have a following code I am using to retrieve a list of user's activities from Google Fit: public void getActivitiesData(Date from, Date till) { DataReadRequest readRequest = new DataReadRequest.Builder() …
Nikola Anusev
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3 answers

Scope for HealthDataTypes of Google Fit

I want to read HealthDataTypes. Which Scope must I set when creating GoogleApiClient? .addScope(new Scope(????))
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0 answers

Geting smaller buckets from GoogleFit doesn't work

I am trying to get GoogleFit data with buckets of 15 minutes for the last 2 weeks. But for some reason the call to the HistoryApi does never finish, even if I wait some minutes. When using 1 hour buckets, it returns pretty fast. Are there any…
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2 answers

Google Fit API, getting calories burned per activity

So I'm trying to create an app that connects to Google Fit and shows the user their data in a pretty streamlined way and I'm having trouble finding the calories the user burned for each individual activity per day. I can get the total calories for…
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1 answer

How to use the sensor flutter package for developing a step counter?

I am trying to make a step counter with the help of sensor flutter widget, I was having the look at sensor flutter package code but not getting a single point from where to start and how to achieve the required result. What are the things involved…
Tushar Rai
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0 answers

Google Fit Health Api - Fitness: Data point out of order

I do some readings in my app and I see that it works really slowly, and a bunch of these messages in the logs: 08-04 20:33:33.691 27900-18653/? W/Fitness: Trimming data point [13:00:00-13:39:00] outputted with range [13:38:00-13:39:00] …
Kaloyan Roussev
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3 answers

Are inactive calories on google fit wrong?

With "inactive cal" is google fit talking about "basic metabolic rate" ? Because the bmr is supposed to be costant but fit gives me a different number of "inactive cal" every day... Someone can explain me why? It pass from 1500 to 2100 depending on…
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Can I calculate the number of stairs climbed using the google FIT api?

I need to calculate the number of stairs climbed by the user using Google Fit API in my Android App. Is that possible?
Ramya Ramesh
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