Questions tagged [google-cloud-spanner]

Google Cloud Spanner is a relational, highly scalable, managed, database service. Cloud Spanner solves the need for a horizontally-scaling database with consistent global ACID transactions and SQL semantics

Google Cloud Spanner is the first and only relational database service that is both strongly consistent and horizontally scalable. Features include:

  • ACID transactions,
  • Relational schemas (and schema changes without downtime),
  • SQL queries, high performance,
  • Automatic scaling for horizontal scalability to hundreds or thousands of servers
  • Synchronous data replication, and node redundancy
  • Up to 99.999% (five 9s) of availability
  • Based upon the published Spanner research paper

Stack Overflow is Google's official community support channel for development questions.

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475 questions
1 answer

Does Google's Spanner DB implement a concept of Epochal Time?

I'm reading the paper for Google's Spanner DB. This appears to address some similar problems to Rich Hickey's Datomic. Does Google's Spanner DB implement a concept of Epochal Time?
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1 answer

How to find Google Spanner table creation date and time?

I am trying to the table creation date and time in Google Spanner but I dont see any option exist. Even there is no information available in the information.schema
1 answer

Primary Key and Index

Table Schema Columns: A, B, C, D, E I have a primary key in the table which combines (A, B) and I have a query -> Select all from the table whose A = 123. So the above query will scan the whole table or not? If it will scan the table then the only…
1 answer

GCP SPANNER: What options can be set on a column in table other than allow_commit_timestamp=true for timestamp datatype

I want to understand what properties can be set on a Column in Spanner table. I only see length, not null, allow_commit_timestamp=true (for timestamp). Do we have any options like: - Unique property - so that record insert gives an error if another…
1 answer

Cloud Spanner administration UI, API also stopped working

It stopped working my account at the present moment. Since there is no fault status, write it here. Do you replicate with other accounts? Because different ones of different regions also occur simultaneously, I suspects the trouble.
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3 answers

Can I automatically populate `created_at` timestamp to transaction timestamp with Google Spanner?

I am looking through the documentation for Google Cloud Spanner, and it looks like write operations return a timestamp when the row was actually written. But when reading rows, it doesn't seem possible to re-capture that timestamp (either as a…
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1 answer

Is there a list of reserved words for Cloud Spanner?

Is there a documented list of keywords for Cloud Spanner? For example, is CONTAINS a reserved word?
2 answers

GCP Spanner Template ReadWrite Transaction Not Working

I want to perform units of work in a single transaction using Google spanner template, spannerTemplate.performReadWriteTransaction(trasac -> { // Write in table 1 // Write in table 2 }); Am getting exception as 'Nested transactions are not…
2 answers

Need to migrate my all existing data to either on cloud spanner or cloud-datastore

I have my existing data in Cassandra on-premises on 8 servers and now I plan to move to either cloud spanner or cloud-datastore, so is there any way I can migrate my all existing data to any of them. Also which one is good?
2 answers

Is Google Cloud Spanner table have any TTL(Time to Live) setup for required data or table

Dear Cloud Spanner Support Is there any option for TTL(Time to Live) on Google Cloud Spanner table . If yes Please provide any additional information Thank you Sreeni
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