Questions tagged [google-cloud-spanner]

Google Cloud Spanner is a relational, highly scalable, managed, database service. Cloud Spanner solves the need for a horizontally-scaling database with consistent global ACID transactions and SQL semantics

Google Cloud Spanner is the first and only relational database service that is both strongly consistent and horizontally scalable. Features include:

  • ACID transactions,
  • Relational schemas (and schema changes without downtime),
  • SQL queries, high performance,
  • Automatic scaling for horizontal scalability to hundreds or thousands of servers
  • Synchronous data replication, and node redundancy
  • Up to 99.999% (five 9s) of availability
  • Based upon the published Spanner research paper

Stack Overflow is Google's official community support channel for development questions.

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475 questions
1 answer

Google DataFlow Apache Beam

I am trying to use Apache Beam to create a Dataflow pipeline and I am not able to follow the documentation and cannot find any examples. The pipeline is simple. Create a pipeline Read from a pub/sub topic Write to spanner. Currently, I am stuck at…
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Storing a UUID in Cloud Spanner

I would like to use a UUID as a primary key in Cloud Spanner. What is the best way to read and write UUIDs? Is there a UUID type, or client library support?
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Does Google Cloud Spanner support stored procedures?

Does Google Cloud Spanner support stored procedures? I've had a quick search through the docs at but couldn't find any reference to stored procs / user defined routines anywhere. It would be good to…
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Autoincrement in Google Cloud Spanner

Google Cloud Spanner recommends against using monotonically increasing integers for primary keys. This makes a perfect sense for top-level tables as it would create hotspots. But what about interleaved tables? They are going to be stored on the same…
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Migration from DynamoDB to Spanner/BigTable

I have a use case where I need to migrate 70 TB of data from DynamoDB to BigTable and Spanner. Tables with a single index will go to BigTable else they will go to Spanner. I can easily handle the historical loads by exporting the data to S3 --> GCS…
2 answers

Getting error while connecting to jpa using micronaut-data-hibernate-jpa library

I want to use JPA for micronaut. For that I am using library. Whenever I run my application and hit the endpoint to get the data, I get the following error: { message: "Internal Server…
2 answers

Is there a cost to having a large number of shards in Spanner?

Best practices for using Spanner strongly recommends avoiding the use of a timestamp or other sequential identifier as the first part of a key as this will create hotspots. One of the suggested workarounds when a time based ordering is required is…
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Streaming MutationGroups into Spanner

I'm trying to stream MutationGroups into spanner with SpannerIO. The goal is to write new MuationGroups every 10 seconds, as we will use spanner to query near-time KPI's. When I don't use any windows, I get the following error: Exception in thread…
2 answers

Error using SpannerIO in apache beam

This question is a follow-up to this one. I am trying to use apache beam to read data from a google spanner table (and then do some data processing). I wrote the following minimum example using the java SDK: package…
0 answers

Inserting rows to interleaved tables in a single transaction

I have table hierarchy as follows Table A - Root level Table B - Child of A Table C - Child of A Table D - Child of A I am inserting all the related rows in a single Commit transaction. The order of the insert statements are as…
2 answers

Google Spanner - How do you copy data to another table?

Since spanner does not have ddl feature like insert into dest as (select * from source_table) How do we select subset of a table and copy that rows into another table ? I am trying to write data to temporary table and then move data to archive…
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google Cloud spanner java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Jetty ALPN/NPN has not been properly configured

I am new to the Google cloud Spanner and to explore it I started with documentation provided by google Here. To explore any database we start with data operations and the same I did, I started with writing data to the spanner using simple java…
1 answer

Does Google Cloud Spanner support compression?

Our dataset has rows which are highly compressible with respect to adjacent rows. As I understand it, Bigtable supports automatic compression (via SSTable block compression). It would make a huge difference to us if Spanner can or will support…
2 answers

Google-Cloud: Jetty ALPN/NPN has not been properly configured

Getting exception whilst using Google Pubsub to list topics, my web application is running on tomcat. public static List listTopics(GcpCredentials gcCredentials, String project) throws GCPException, IOException { List topics =…
1 answer

How to bind to IN parameters in Cloud Spanner Java API

Is it possible, using the Google Cloud Spanner Java SDK, to bind to the parameters supplied to the IN portion of a query? e.g. List names = new ArrayList(); names.add("Alice"); names.add("Bob"); String sql = "SELECT * FROM people…
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