Questions tagged [google-cloud-internal-load-balancer]

16 questions
3 answers

Accessing GCP Internal Load Balancer from another region

I need to access an internal application running on GKE Nginx Ingress service riding on Internal Load Balancer, from another GCP region. I am fully aware that it is not possible using direct Google networking and it is a huge limitation (GCP…
1 answer

GCP internal load balancer Global access (Beta) annotation does not work?

I tried creating an internal load balancer with the following annotation as mentioned in this documentation: "true" Here is the full manifest: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: …
3 answers

curl command : remote server is not able to respond after TLS handshake in google compute node

In a google compute node, when I run this command curl -v, the command gets stuck immediately after the TLS handshake. * Expire in 50 ms for 1 (transfer 0x562c94210f50) * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set *…
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1 answer

When setting up GKE internal load balancers why can I access the IP address from a separate VM but not within the cluster?

I have a K8s deployment running in GKE which is connected to an internal load balancer service which assigns an IP address to the VPC subnetwork. When I spin up an individual Compute VM in the subnetwork I am able to access the deployment using the…
2 answers

GCP internal load balancer between two VMs (Compute instances)

Is it possible in GCP to create an internal load balancer that balances the traffic between two Compute Instances in different regions? Two instances (written NAT on them) are in different regions (e.g one in us-central1 and other in asia-south1)…
1 answer

Where can I find the nodeport information on the ILB that sends traffic to a GKE service that is exposed using a nodeport

I have created a service in GKE exposed using an internal load balancer. The health check port for the ILB is 10256 which is kube-proxy. The port on the ILB is that of my kubernetes service port. (Not the target port). However there is no…
2 answers

GCP health check for internal load balancer

I set up own Elasticsearch cluster in the GCP. The cluster is up and running fine. The cluster contains two client nodes which I am able to access internally and pass a health check for both of them using http://IP:9200/ and…
0 answers

Google Cloud Load Balancer: internalForwardingRulesLimitsExceeded

Since a couple of days, I'm facing the following error when trying to deploy a new service which uses internal load balancer on Google Cloud: Error creating load balancer (will retry): failed to ensure load balancer for service…
1 answer

GCP HTTP Load balancer to TCP Load balancer

I am trying to figure out is how can I connect a TCP Load balancer with a http/https load balancer in GCP. I have installed kong on a GKE cluster and it creates a TCP Load balancer. Now if I have multiple GKE clusters with Kong they all will have…
0 answers

Why can I not mention PURPOSE or Role in subnet creation "An argument named "purpose" is not expected here" in terraform

I have a subnetwork module that I call from in my resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "vpc_sub_network" { for_each = var.subnet_info ip_cidr_range = each.value["subnet_ip_range"] name = each.value["subnet_name"] network =…
0 answers

Google Cloud - Two clusters in the same project belong to the same VPC?

How do I set up two clusters in the same GCP project such that they share the same VPC? I created a cluster with Internal TCP/UDP Load Balancer (without Global Access) in a cluster, say C1. I then created cluster C2 in the same zone and same…
1 answer

Internal load balancer : Connection refused

I am trying to setup a internal load balancer on GCP cloud , and the problem is, when i try to access the same via another instance which falls under same VPC I am facing "Connection refused" error. Firewall rules has been checked as well as cross…
0 answers

GCP internal load balancer idle timeout

Every time when a client sends any request (say HTTP), the request is received by a load balancer (if set up) and it will redirect the request to one of the instances. Now a connection is established between Client->LB->Server. This will persist as…
1 answer

Problems with deploying a load balancer in front of etcd clusters

i am trying to deployu a load balancer in front of 3 of my etcd clusters which are running on port 2379. But I am always getting a connection refused error. I ve added firewall IPs for healthchecks and added a fw rule for on port 2379 but…
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3 answers

GCP Internal Load Balancer with ngnix ingress controller as nodeport : Connection Refused

Background: We hosted application in a GKE cluster, the application running on the GKE cluster has an ingress resource containing the rules to point to our application services. We are using ingress-nginx as the ingress controller for this…