Questions tagged [google-auth-library-nodejs]

DONTUSE [Google-api-nodejs-client](

21 questions
1 answer

Error: User is not authorized while creating GCP project using service account

I am trying to create GCP project programmatically using Google API. Here is the sample code: const {JWT} = require('google-auth-library') async function main (keyFile = {PATH_TO_CREDENTIAL_FILE}) { const keys = require(keyFile) const…
1 answer

Server to server OAuth

I want to create google spreadsheet everyday automatically from server side. Google spreadsheet requires OAuth to Create, edit, delete spreadsheet. To get OAuth access token we have to manually signin and allow permission on consent screen. This is…
2 answers

generateEmailVerificationLink and other Firebase Passing State in Email Actions

So I am working closely with mobile dev team to generate the proper email when the user signs up, resets the pw etc. With this piece of code that I pasted below and after all the whitelisting & dynamic link config, we are finally generating the…
1 answer

Error when generating a token in a js chrome extension when trying to verify it on a backend nodejs server

I am trying to generate a token in a chrome extension and then use it to verify requests to the backend server. I have been successful at generating a token in the front end but when I send it to the backend and verify it with the nodejs library…
1 answer

google auth library node js: unpacking contents of token

Some google service is sending the program an Authorisation JWT token in the header of a request. Using the Google Auth Library (, how can I unpack the package to retrieve a field of the…
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2 answers

What's the correct format of private_key when using it as an environment variable?

I am trying to use private_key for some GCP service nodejs client libraries, e.g. @google-cloud/pubsub, @google-cloud/trace-agent I got private_key from service account credential json file like this: I am trying to use it as an environment…