Questions tagged [google-api-javascript-client]

56 questions
8 answers

google finance api not working from 6/september/2017

I was using google finance api to get the stock quotes and display the contents on my site. All of a sudden from 6/september/2017 this stopped working. The url i used to get the stock quotes is…
1 answer

How to get access token via Google JavaScript oauth2 API This is the sample code I use to let user login via Google JavaScript API, and it's work, next step is use user id to login to local server via PHP, but use the user id by JavaScript is pretty danger,…
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How to use the Google API client for JavaScript with a One-Tap sign in flow?

I'm using Google One-Tap sign in to authenticate users, and after the user is authenticated I get an access token. I know that I can use this access token in order to work with the Google API client for JavaScript ("GAPI"). But I can't find any way…
0 answers

What's causing Google JavaScript API discovery to fail?

I'm using the Google JavaScript API for the browser, and intermittently it fails with the following exception: gapi.client.Error: API discovery response missing required fields. What might be causing this? My code for loading the API looks as…
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How to use OAuth 2.0 flow in Google One tap Sign In?

I know that I can use the access token that I receive in the response can be use to authenticate users. But I want it to be more secure So I want the code that we get in oAuth 2.0. Is there any way to get the code in the background to authenticate…
1 answer

Google Maps API Geocoder componentRestrictions syntax

I'm having trouble adding the componentRestrictions parameter to the Google Maps Geocoder object. I'm using the JavaScript client-side api. Specifically, the administrativeArea property isn't working for me. Docs say type is a string, and I've tried…
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Google Places Javascript Api photo redirects to photo url but returns 403

I have an issue with showing photos from the Google Places (Javascript) API. I follow the instructions for getting a photo and it's url with .getUrl(). This returns a url that looks like…
2 answers

List publicly shared files from google drive using service account key not getting public files

I have been facing problem while coding that while using service account key and using drive.files.list API, i am not able to get files, though i have shared all the files publicly const { google } = require('googleapis'); const drive =…
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Ionic - how to display a nearby places list

I've been following this guide on using Google Place JavaScript library to show a list of restaurants within a 500 metre radius of the hard coded coordinates. This is what I have attempted so far: The .ts file export class AmenityPage { …
1 answer

how to properly use javascript google task api?

I try to update a task with the following code but its not working and I do not get any feedback from it: gapi.client.tasks.tasks.update({'task':, 'tasklist':, 'body': {'status': 'completed'}}); I successfully retrieve both…
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How can I upload files to google drive that are in a url?

I try to upload a photo that I have in a URL on another server, but it does not work for me or I do not know how to upload them in this case I am going to upload a photo but I also want to upload files that will upload to that URL. const img = await…
1 answer

Using inner function variable in outer function using Google Maps Javascript API

I am fairly new to Javascript so forgive me if this has been answered but I cannot get this to work nor can I find the answer anywhere online. I am trying to return an address using Google's Maps JavaScript API. I can print it to the console inside…
1 answer

Google Maps JavaScript API error: ApiNotActivatedMapError altough Google Maps JavaScript API is enabled

I want to display a simple Google Maps on my Website. I followed several tutorials and they always tell me the same: Generate API KEY, Enable the Google Maps API and type in this code... First it loads correctly with the latitude/longitude I want…
Grg Kro
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window.gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn doesn't send callback in Safari

We embedded Google OAuth button inside iframe. When user loads a page with this iframe, clicks Google button from that iframe, window.gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn fires and new window appears. User enters email, password and submits form.…
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