Questions tagged [go-map]

Go provides a built-in map type that implements a hash table. It is an unordered group of elements of one type, called the element type, indexed by a set of unique keys of another type, called the key type. The value of an uninitialized map is nil. A nil map behaves like an empty map when reading, but attempts to write to a nil map will cause a runtime panic; don't do that.

38 questions
11 answers

How to check if a map contains a key in Go?

I know I can iterate over a map m by, for k, v := range m { ... } and look for a key but is there a more efficient way of testing a key's existence in a map? I couldn't find the answer in the language spec.
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2 answers

Difference between map[string]interface{} and interface{}

I want to parse a JSON file to a map[string]interface{}: var migrations map[string]interface{} json.Unmarshal(raw, &migrations) fmt.Println(migrations["create_user"]) But I modified my code to point data to interface{}: var migrations…
Trần Kim Dự
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1 answer

What is the default value of a map of struct

What is the default value of struct in a map? How to check the map value is initialized? type someStruct struct { field1 int field2 string } var mapping map[int]someStruct func main() { mapping := make(map[int]someStruct) } func…
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2 answers

can golang function return interface{}{} - how to return a map list

func getLatestTxs() map[string]interface{}{} { fmt.Println("hello") resp, err :=…
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2 answers

struct type as map key

We have a following function: func (h *Handler) Handle(message interface{}) error { //here there is a switch for different messages switch m := message.(type) { } } This signature is given and can't be changed. There are around 20…
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1 answer

How to parse a JSON into a map with variable type in Golang

I have the following JSON response from the Salt-Stack API: { "return": [{ "": true, "": "Minion did not return. [No response]", "": true, "": false }] } I usually use a map…
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1 answer

How to use GoMap in Cgo?

I'm trying to call Go from c++. My code operates on maps, and I can't seem to make maps work with cgo. main.go: package main import ( "C" "fmt" ) func main() {} //export PrintMap func PrintMap(m map[string]string) { …
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1 answer

How to know if 2 go maps reference the same data

Go maps are references to internal data. Meaning that when a map is "copied", they end up sharing the same reference and thus editing the same data. This is something highly different than having another map with the same items. However, I cannot…
Aurélien Lambert
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2 answers

Deleting multiple values from a map in Go at the same time within a loop

I'm trying to delete multiple values from my map[string][]interface{} I am using the strings.Split function to separate each value i wish to delete, and then looping through them. I have managed to get it so i can delete index values 0 and 1,…
Ross Bown
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1 answer

Encapsulating "concurrency safety" in Go Maps

I have a struct, MyStruct, which contains a map. I want to make the access to the map safe for concurrent read and write but I also want to stick to the base Map and not use sync.Map. For this reason I create on MyStruct methods for insert, delete…
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0 answers

Are there any programming pitfalls of using a map with an empty interface as the KEY

Are there any programming pitfalls of using maps in this manner: type Set struct { theMap map[interface{}]struct{} } StringSet := NewSet("abc", "pqr") IntSet := NewSet(1, 2) DateSet := NewSet(time.Date(2021, 2, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)) Just…
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1 answer

Using msgp with interfaces and maps in Go

I have a map that uses an interface as the key. The map is defined like this MyMap map[Signature]Packets. The interface is Signature, and there will be two structs A and B that implement this interface. I am also using msgp to serialize these two…
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1 answer

What is the best way to create an array and loop in template file

I am using Gin gonic for my Go project, and in my footer.tmpl, I will have more than 10++ navigation links, rather than write 'link' multiple times, it would be much easier if I create an array containing the links, and title and loop through it,…
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1 answer

How to pass a map as value?

I've a few Actors in my Golang App which require two maps to do their work. Those maps are generated by some intensive database transactions so I don't want to do that in every actor, as a result I've separated the maps generation from the Actors.…
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4 answers

Slice out of bounds using [][]int but works with map[int][]int

Why does this code work graph := make(map[int][]int, 0) graph[0] = append(graph[0], 1) But if you replace first line with graph := make([][]int, 0) I get panic: runtime error: index out of range? It's very weird.
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