Questions tagged [glassfish-4]

Fourth version of the popular Java EE open source application server and the reference implementation of the Java EE 7.

Java EE 7 brings the new versions of the many Java enterprise and Web technologies, such as EJB 3.2, JMS 2.0, JPA 2.1, Servlet 3.1 etc. GlassFish is an open source server that represents a reference implementation of Java EE standard. In its fourth version, GlassFish offers the complete Java EE 7 (JSR-342) platform. It is a first certified application server that fully supports Java EE 7.

This tag is for questions specific to version 4. For generall questions to GlassFish see:

915 questions
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Do I need to include the Jersey Jars in my EAR on Glassfish4.0 server?

I am trying to use Firefox poster to test a Jersey restful webservice running on Glassfish 4.0. I am getting a HTTP Server 500 error returned to the Poster output when I return a java class as xml. I do not get an error when I return a String as…
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glassfish 4 & MySQL & JSTL

I'm using Netbeanse 7.3.1 + Glassfish 4. I wrote simple web application using JSTL <%@taglib prefix="c" uri=""%> <%@taglib prefix="sql" uri=""%>
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Does Glassfish or applications require a restart after deploying a shared library?

If I have a glassfish application that depends on a shared library that is running, I deploy the shared library again with updates, do I have to restart the application that depends on that shared library or will the application pick it up?
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Constants in EL 3.0 - Function 'T' not found

I believe the syntax for constants in EL 3.0 is #{T(java.lang.Integer).MIN_VALUE} but then glassfish throws a javax.el.ELException: Function 'T' not found. Here's the full stack trace: javax.el.ELException: Function 'T' not found at…
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Cannot create a session after the response has been committed - PrettyFaces MultiPageMessagesSupport on Glassfish4

I have a Java EE app where I use JSF2 + PrettyFaces + EBJ3 + Glassfish I just recently updated to Glassfish4 which is the default Server implementation for Java EE 7 and I started getting issues with PrettyFaces. I have configured on my…
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Declarative security for java ee application

I'm creating a web application using Java ee. I have a glassfish v4 server and right now I'm trying to get the security to work by specifying security constraints in my web.xml file. My application is called linkUI, and I wanted to try to create a…
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Out Of Memory Error even Heap Memory is not Completely Use

I am facing Out of memory error in java heap space I am using glassfish server for deployment of my maven based application, and Java JDK is 1.7. I have configured my glassfish server domain.xml as MaxPermSize is 512M and Xmx is 1024M , as…
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Can glassfish 3 and glassfish 4 work together on same machine but for 2 different projects

Glassfish 3 was installed on my machine for one java project. Now I have to set up another java project using Glassfish 4. While deploying new project's EAR, I am getting below error. I have double check everything like domain.xml, environment…
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Java Project clustering for high avaiability: How to serialize classes from third parties frameworks used in the project?

I'm allocating my project to Payara Server with clustering for high avaiability. My project is in Java Web and it uses JSF Framework with Primefaces with some extended classes, like DataTable, for example…
1 answer

jsp code to display error message in validation. Where should I include in this code?

How can I display the error message as part of validation controls in jsp code given below? Where should I include the code? I have tried using out.print("Invalid username or password"); in between these codes, but it doesnt…
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Glassfih and Apache configuration with two NIC cards

I've an Ubuntu 16.04 server with two NIC cards. Both of them are configured with static IP and set to different hosts. At this time, I've running Apache and glassfish through the same interface (only one of the cards), Apache listen on the port 80…
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EJB taking long time to return data to Backing bean

I have project which JSF 2 and Primefaces 5.2 in frontend. EJB3 and JPA with eclipselink for backend processing deployed on Glassfish 4 server. Issue: For opening page I am fetching data using postconstruct method in backing bean which inturn calls…
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Spring Security 4 Throws HTTP Status 404 Error in One Machine But Works Fine In Another

I am working in developing a Java application that runs on Glassfish 4.1 and uses Spring Security 4.2.0 for user authentication. Spring Security has been working fine in my development environment as well as in the production server for several…
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How to deploy a .war on a remote glassfish server given we have access to the server?

I have .war file and an access to remote glassfish server. I want to deploy the .war file on the server.
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What I need to setup netbeans for broadleaf commerce with glassfish 4.1?

I tried broadleaf with eclipse but it still gives more errors and I am familiar with netbeans and glassfish i setup the mysql server and created new schema. I don't know how to create tables broadleaf does not provided schema creation file. Can…
Yogesh Doke
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