Questions tagged [github-for-windows]

Github for Windows is a Windows client for the Github social coding community. It also offers integration with non GitHub-hosted git repositories.

Github for Windows is a Windows client for the GitHub social coding community. It also offers integration with non GitHub-hosted git repositories. Thought this is primarily a GitHub client it can also be used for standalone git projects that you might not wanted published on GitHub.

Questions with this tag should relate to the GitHub for Windows client, and not to Git or GitHub as a whole.

The official website for the application is:

607 questions
3 answers

Git: How do I see where I just "commited" my files to?

Totally new to using git. I used "git commit" to commit some files which I believe were staged. However, I now want to know where exactly these files went. How do I check this?
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How do I Export an existing Solution to GitHub from Visual Studio 2013

I am strucking an issue in exporting an existing solution to GitHub from Visual Studio 2013. I referred the following link , but 3 rd point onwards am not understanding.the following are the link : How do I add an existing Solution to GitHub from…
Sandeep S
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1 answer

Running Bower install behind corporate proxy

I am getting Error : ECONNREFUSED Request to failed: connect ECONNREFUSED while running Bower Install from Package Manager Console. I found some settings on other thread to solve this…
Deepak Kumar
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1 answer

Github ask me to commit files

Recently I renamed all the packages and removed all the files to another folder in Github. After that, each time I open up github it asked to commit some files that have no change at all. Basically, it looks like every line of code in a files was…
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github for windows bug all files deleted

I tried to make a commit using Github for Windows. It said "Commit Failed" and now my git status looks like this... All files are considered deleted or untracked. But all of the actual files are fine. How do I fix this?
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How to add files to be commited in GitHub

Hello I recently started using github. I was able to make my first commit and upload my Java projects whole source folder to my only Repo. Now I have made changes to my files and would like to recommit the same files but after two hours of…
1 answer

Not able to push to Github, getting "permission denied (publickey)"

Administrator@SANZVAIO /e/projects/pySan (master) $ git remote add pySan Administrator@SANZVAIO /e/projects/pySan (master) $ git push -u origin master The authenticity of host ' (' can't be…
Ciasto piekarz
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0 answers

Im new to github and i dont know what's going on

I'm new to github and i dont know what's going on. Yesterday, i opened github without any problem, but right now, the github website looks like this, can anybody help me? github page
1 answer

Undo mistake in github

I have made a mistake using GitHub and I'm wondering if there is anyway to fix it. When using GitHub, I always branch from my master to a new branch, make my changes and merge back to the master. So if master was 1.0.0, I would create a branch…
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2 answers

Stop git from picking up background changes in project

I am new to git and am using the github desktop software. Everytime I make a change in my project lots of other files which get changed in the background also appear in the changes section of git. How would I stop git from picking up these changes,…
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1 answer

I can't get my pictures to load on Github? I also can't get my css on the websites?

I have tried to upload my jpg and png files and I have the whole path set up on the website itself, it works when I just open it from my code editor but it won't on my github page. So I have tried For the Readme I have this in code:
1 answer

I am unable to see all files in my repository

I am trying to stage files but I am unable to do. I ran git add [file_name]and I ran git status. I am getting bunch of other files which are staged, which are not staged and which are untracked but I am not finding my file anywhere in that aditya…
Aditya Matturi
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1 answer

sync laravel code with github

I want to sync my code to my github repo, so anytime I update my code it should be updated in the repo. Is there any proper and structured way of doing this.
Chaudhry Waqas
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1 answer

How to integrate GitHub with Visual Studio 2008 so that source codes can be stored online?

I have istalled and integrated GitExtensions-2.48.05-SetupComplete.msi, and, GitSccProvider.msi with Visual Studio 2008. As, you can see, plug-ins are working properly. But, I am not being able to link VS2008 with Github so that I can upload…
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1 answer

.NET MVC on github

I built a very simple .net MVC web project on Visual Studio 2013. I then pushed it to Github, when I cloned my project back onto my machine and tried to run it (on the same version of Visual Studio 2013) I got a lot of errors including: "The type…
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