Questions tagged [github-for-windows]

Github for Windows is a Windows client for the Github social coding community. It also offers integration with non GitHub-hosted git repositories.

Github for Windows is a Windows client for the GitHub social coding community. It also offers integration with non GitHub-hosted git repositories. Thought this is primarily a GitHub client it can also be used for standalone git projects that you might not wanted published on GitHub.

Questions with this tag should relate to the GitHub for Windows client, and not to Git or GitHub as a whole.

The official website for the application is:

607 questions
3 answers

How to use posh-git that comes with GitHub for Windows from custom shell?

Installing GitHub for Windows is a nice way to get at once beginner's git Windows app, msysgit and posh-git - but you can only start the git shell with posh-git by calling "GitHub.appref-ms --open-shell". What I want to do, is to start a console,…
Sergey Aldoukhov
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3 answers

Git: says origin already exists on "NEW" (init) repository, using shell but installed Github for Windows

I installed Git for Windows, although I am using the shell not the Windows interface. If I do a git init, and then try and do a git remote add origin I get the following error fatal: remote origin already…
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1 answer

What do the colors in the Github for Windows shell mean?

When "gitting" in Windows, I happily use the Github for Windows client, but since I do a lot of work in Linux as well I often end up in the shell when anything more complicated than committing or syncing has to be done. I really like the Posh-Git…
Tomas Aschan
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3 answers

Configure Git clients, like GitHub for Windows, to not ask for authentication

I have installed GitHub for Windows and also GitExtensions and have multiple versions of git.exe in my path.…
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4 answers

Fatal Error : Can't resolve host

I am trying to push files to my remote repository from my local repository and I see this fatal error : fatal: unable to access '': Couldn't resolve host '' My computer is not using any Proxy…
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1 answer

Where are the pull/push commands in GitHub for Windows client?

I've been using GitHub for Mac for a while and was about to help a colleague install it on Windows. I cannot find any menu or any button to initiate "push" or "pull" as I can on Mac. Only way I see it is to open a shell and execute git pull. But…
Andreas Norman
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4 answers

Using Github for Windows to work with own private Git through SSH

Right now, I'm using msysgit to work with my own private repositories stored on a ec2 Amazon Cloud Server using SSH. Until now, I've been able to successfully connect to those repositories through Git Bash (creating the ssh-rsa public and private…
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3 answers

How to keep a GitHub fork up to date without a merge commit or using CLI?

The normal GitHub flow to contribute to a repo is to create a fork of the upstream, clone a local copy where you make changes, then push back up to your fork and then create a PR to have your changes merged into upstream. But if upstream changes…
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3 answers

Git hook update package json version

In our project we often forget to update version numbers in Package.json file. Ours is a AngularJS project. In our package JSON file we are specifying the below two version information "version": "1.0.7", "devVersion": "1.0.4" Before Merging a…
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4 answers

How do I rename a local-only repository on 'GitHub desktop' - without renaming repository directory

I have a local repository (has a local remote-origin file://). How do I change the displayed name of this repository in the Github desktop app without having to rename the repository directory name. Problem is: C:\Project1\Website &…
Ujjwal Singh
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3 answers

PhpStorm and Github for Windows

PhpStorm integration with Git asks me for git.exe path, however "github for windows" seems like it doesn't create any git.exe file. So is it a way to config phpstorm so it use "github for windows" for working with github?
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4 answers

How can I use SSH remotes with GitHub Desktop?

I am using GitHub Desktop on Windows 10. I initially cloned a repo using its HTTPS URL, but now our organisation have advised that we must use the SSH URL instead. So I have changed this over. I have also copied the contents of my public SSH key…
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4 answers

How Can I Configure GitHub Desktop/Windows to Work with a Proxy?

New to working with git in Windows. I downloaded the GitHub Desktop application and can connect my account, but doing pushes/pulls fails because of an unresolved host. Asking around the workplace I got the following suggestion to type this command…
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2 answers

GITHUB Conflict Resolving

I am a newbie for github and started using GITHUB for WINDOWS chosen private repositories and shared the same with my colleagues. Now we are experiencing a problem, not sure how to solve it. We tried google and no use. Myself and a colleague worked…
Murali Murugesan
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4 answers

git pull fails with "Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed"

I have just installed Windows 10, Visual Studio Community 2015, and Git for Windows. I also installed the latest Bitbucket and GitHub extensions. Within Visual Studio I cloned my repository, and performed these operations…
Nicolas Raoul
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