Questions tagged [git-tag]

git-tag is the Git command used to create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG. A tag is used to mark specific points in history as being important.

473 questions
2 answers

Can I check out/create a tag with certain commits left out?

I want to create a tag that leaves out certain commits. So when creating the tag, I choose which commits to add (or which to omit). This would enable me to deploy a hot fix and leave out older (and newer) commits. The same could be achieved by using…
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0 answers

When is a good time to push git tags?

New to github/git, and I notice that tags allow for a bundled downloadable package of a version of your project. My question for this is when is it good to push git tags? Shouldn't these only be added towards the end of the project version and not…
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2 answers

git tags and time

I was under the impression that a tag would act like a commit in that if I have a clone based on an old commit, I wouldn't expect to see new tags listed in the git tag output. However, this assumption is evidently wrong. It kinds wrecks the way I…
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1 answer

Add git tags based on commit time

Is there any way to tag a git repository based on the commit time? For example, if I have the release time, I want to tag all the repositories used in the release as of the release time. The main issue is that tagging may happen retroactively a few…
Arun P Johny
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1 answer

Git tagging: Time-based or Commit-based

When I create a tag (either lightweight or annotated) and provide no commit id, does Git record the tag as "a point in time" when the tag was created? Or does it tag the latest commit in my branch and the "time" associated with that tag is the time…
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1 answer

Checkout a git repo and keep updated with only the latest tag

Is there a way to keep a checkout updated between tags, and only tags? Ideally, I want to go into the checkout's directory, type "git pull", have the command fail if there are no new tags in the repo or pull all the code down from that newer tag.…
Bill Riley
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1 answer

Delete tags from feature branch

We are using Bitbucket for maintaining our code. We have policy to not to push tags. I have created a feature branch named myFeature and fetched on local. Made some changes in files committed and pushed. Later found that there were tags on…
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1 answer

When Git is creating a tag (`git tag -a` command w/out specifiing commit) - does it get reference from HEAD?

It is not explained in detail (IMHO) in docs how git tag -a works. will tag point to last or next commit or ? does tag -a copy HEAD to make a pointer (if so, than to last commit)? P.S. maybe it…
Alexei Martianov
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