Questions tagged [git-tag]

git-tag is the Git command used to create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG. A tag is used to mark specific points in history as being important.

473 questions
8 answers

“tag already exists in the remote" error after recreating the git tag

I get the following error after I run the steps below: To ! [rejected] dev -> dev (already exists) error: failed to push some refs to '' hint: Updates were…
Luca Boieru
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6 answers

Why should I use tags vs. release/beta branches for versioning?

I've been using git for about a year and would like to use tagging to, well, tag commits at different versions. I've found lots of info on the commands to use to work with tags, but what I'd like to know is why use tagging at all if I can just…
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8 answers

Git Tag list, display commit sha1 hashes

so the git tag command lists the current git tags tag1 tag2 git tag -n prints tag's message tag1 blah blah tag2 blah blah What's the best way to get the hash of tag1 & tag2 ?
Quang Van
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7 answers

Get the time and date of git tags

I have a project that is using git and have tagged all the releases with a tag. $ git tag v1.0.0 v1.0.1 v1.0.2 v1.0.3 v1.1.0 My goal is to list the releases and release dates in a web interface (tag/commit date = release date). Currently we list…
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4 answers

How can I tell if a given git tag is annotated or lightweight?

I type git tag and it lists my current tags: 1.2.3 1.2.4 How can I determine which of these is annotated, and which is lightweight?
G. Sylvie Davies
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1 answer

What names are valid git tags?

I have got a error message while creating tag containing [ character: fatal: '[' is not a valid tag name. Question: are there any rules for tags in the git?
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"git describe" ignores a tag

In the following lines: $ git tag -n1 v1.8 Tagged the day before yesterday v1.9 Tagged yesterday v2.0 Tagged today $ git describe v1.9-500-ga6a8c67 $ Can anyone explain why the v2.0 tag is not used by "git describe", and how…
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1 answer

git tag delete and re-add

On git hub I re-added the tag by doing: git tag -d 12.15 git push origin :refs/tags/12.15 git tag -a 12.15 -m '12.15' git push --tags The tag is still referring to the old tag on github, but locally it is done right. UPDATE: It seems github is…
Chris Muench
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8 answers

In git, how do I sync my tags against a remote server?

Is there a way to keep my local git tags in lockstep with a remote's tags? That is -- not only get new tags when created (as usual, when fetch-ing/pull-ing), but also prune tags no longer on a remote and also delete existing tags when someone else…
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2 answers

Adding Tags to a Pull Request

I have a repo iontech/Anagen forked from agiliq/Anagen I made a few commits to my fork and added a tag. Then I opened a Pull Request. This Pull Request includes only my commits. How do I include the tag I've created into the Pull Request?
3 answers

Git tag before or after merge?

I have a simple question about tagging different versions of my project with git. If I just completed my 1.1 branch and plan to merge it into master, should I tag this branch as 1.1 before I merge it, or should I merge it to master and then tag it…
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6 answers

Get last git tag from a remote repo without cloning

How to get last tag from a (non checked-out) remote repo? On my local copy I use describe git describe --abbrev=0 --tags But I cannot use describe with remote storage
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5 answers

how to close a branch in git

When I know I won't use a branch any more is it possible to close or lock it? Actually I would like to close a branch but I don't think it is possible to close a branch with GIT. what about the delete. What happens to my history when I delete a…
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3 answers

What happen to Git tags pointing to a removed commit

Say I do the following: Create branch X Create Tag t (to branch X) Push Remove branch X What happen to tag t? is it just floating there? is it considered as garbage? Should I remove all tags pointing at branch before removing the branch…
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4 answers

Git - Checkout a remote tag when two remotes have the same tag name

I had hoped this would work: git checkout remote/tag_name but it doesn't. This does: git checkout tags/tag_name but I'm doing something weird where I have a lot of remotes, and I'm worried about what happens if two remotes have the same tag. Is…
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