Questions tagged [git-server]

20 questions
0 answers

How to send custom messages from git server to remote on clone?

When we clone a repository hosted in Visual Studio Team Services, we see the VS ASCII logo: > git clone TargetUrl TargetDir Cloning into 'TargetDir'... remote: remote: fTfs remote: fSSSSSSSs remote: …
vulcan raven
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Is it necessary to create a user named 'git' to setup a git server?

git@domain already exists in my university network. However, the Ubuntu 18.04 server that host git@domain is very unstable. So I wished to set up a Debian server and install with Git. Can I use hostname other than git to setup Git server? It is…
No One
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Git servers offering REST/websocket protocols for partial repository fetches

With projects like isomorphic-git, the exciting potential becomes closer for web applications to offer out-of-the-box version control using well-known APIs and where users can interact with their own portable, site-agnostic data stores (though…
Brett Zamir
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How to create sub group page with gitweb (or any other git web-server)?

I setup a gitosis server with gitweb and I have numbers of git projects there now. Is there a way to organize these project by groups? Say I have a group called "tools" and another group called "debug" and each group contains several projects…
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Setting up Git server on shared hosting

I have tried to setup a Git server on my shared hosting website. If I use ssh connection, works perfectly, but when I try to clone the repository through HTTP it gives me this error: fatal: repository ''…
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How to accept git push to any repo path even if it doesn't exist on my server?

I'm trying to build an easy way for me to create & push repositories to my own server. Currently, I have to create a --bare repository on my server first before I can push to it. However, I'd like to be able to dod something like this git remote add…
Emad Omar
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How to install previous gitlab ce version using omnibus?

How to install any previous version of GitLab CE while using GitLab Omnibus installation? As far as I know Omnibus installation always installs the latest GitLab version (Current 11.7) and doesn’t support different versions while restoring backup,…
1 answer

How can I restrict branch acces to specific users of Git on centos 7 server?

I successfully configured centos 7 machine as git server. Now, I have a requirement where I want to keep some documents on a branch(say some admin branch) which should be accessible to few of my teammates and not for other teammates. How can I…
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where does git server stores the pushed files and from where it fetches when it's cloned on client?

I am trying to understand how git client server model works. But one thing is not clear for me when we push the files from the client machine in many sources it's said that the files are pushed to server machine. But when I searched for the pushed…
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How to configure git server and client repositories on twol local windows systems?

I am trying configure git server and client using two windows(both with windows 10 os) machines. So, I downloaded git Git-2.18.0-64-bit.exe file and installed on both the machine. First I created the user and email using below commands on client…
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Use git server without git user

I have a remote linux machine with only one user. I just set up git repos on it without a git user. But all the tutorials suggest me to use the git user. So right now I am using git clone user@hostname:/path/to/git/directory/your_project.git…
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git server and django program inside nginx

I want to run a git server inside my django program. my nginx config is like this: server{ listen; root /var/www/html/git; location /server\.git { client_max_body_size 0; # Git pushes…
Mohammad Ali
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How do I create a data access layer that talks to git on a git server?

Problem I want to create a personal micro-Github on a server, but how does one talk to git on the server in an elegant manner? Would it be wise to the send commands to the git-shell using PHP's exec? Would I be talking to git directly? To understand…
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Store git repo in database for server use

As git repositories are saved on disk in some files, serving a public repo in a high-trafic server may cost too much. And also, git-core just supports cgi that slows serving down too. I want to know, if i save git repository in a database, such as…
Reza Mahdi
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How to push to LAN repository

I have a git bare project setup on my laptop, from my desktop I cloned it, modified a couple of files and wanted to push it, but getting error: remote: error: unable to write sha1 filename //MACBOOK/Macintosh…
Nodir Nasirov
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