Questions tagged [git-bash]

Git Bash is a bash shell bundled with Git for Windows that enables use of Git from the command line.

Git for Windows provides a Bash emulation environment used to run Git and a small set of Unix tools from the command line.

2696 questions
0 answers

EGit and Git Bash not syncing up

I'm a novice when it comes to Git Bash, but comfortable enough in a CLI environment. I'm using the eclipse plugin EGit for committing my work and pulling contributors work. My problem is that sometimes if 2 of us have been working on the same file…
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Git Confirm Before Commit

Is there a way to configure Git to give me an alert before or after I commit locally? For example, after I commit (ideally before), I get some kind of output like "Did you double check". Alternatively, can I script this using bash? I've…
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2 answers

Cant access the variable as variable stored in a file using bash

I have a bash script like source ./testscript while read line do echo "$line" done < "test.file" where the testscript is like VAR="hello" the test.file is like "$VAR" world!!! I expect the output of my bash script to be hello…
3 answers

failed to run git bash on win7 64bit

I'm new to git. I installed the latest version of msysgit on my computer. But when I tried to use git bash, it turned out like this: 0 [main] sh.exe" 5132 fork_copy:user/cygwin data pass 0 failed,0x47F000. .0x4843DC, done 232, windows pid 4132,…
0 answers

Is it possible to install QEMU with msysGit?

QEMU is said to be able to be installed with MinGW, but is it possible with msysGit? I know I could just do it with Cygwin, but honestly, I'm much more comfortable with Git Bash, not to mention it didn't work when I tried it with Cygwin (but that's…
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echo custom output when using Git over SSH

I use Gitolite and have set up a POST_CREATE trigger that clones a repository on another server and executes a couple of other commands. Some of these commands could take a while. This is the reason why I would like to echo some output so that the…
Rafael Bugajewski
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1 answer

Where is the beginning of the PATH in Git Bash?

On Windows, the PATH is separated into 2 parts, the System PATH & the User PATH. They can both be displayed and changed in the Control Panel (though not very well). While running msysGit or Git for Windows, a 3rd PATH is created and put before the…
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Git Bash command line not launching correctly

Recently when trying to use the Git Bash, I noticed that it would open up but I was unable to enter any text in the window to execute a command. A few weeks back, I updated to windows 8.1. I have had multiple people work with me to figure this out…
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2 answers

Git move & commit all directories matching a string with Bash

I've got about 150 directories which I want to rename (and commit) in a git repo. The paths are something similar…
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Writing a script for automating Curl operation in windows

The task I want to perform is as follows. I want to read data from a web application on my local network ( and save it as an xml file. This file has to be then sent as a POST request to a 3rd party server at regular instants of time…
1 answer

Run git commands with .bashrc from windows command line

I am trying to execute a git pull from inside a batch file but from what I see you have to run this script in your .bashrc to get the ssh-agent running. Is there another way to execute a git pull…
Walt Weidner
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1 answer

Git Bash can't add my or

I am a new user to github/git bash. I am trying to add my project to github using git bash. Once I get to the stage of git push, username for '' appears, but I can't type in my user name. Why is this? I also tried this by using git config…
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How to add existing visual studio project to empty git repository

I have an empty git repository on the server which I can clone to my local machine using git clone. My question is, how do I add a new visual studio 2010 project to that repo? Concretely, I created a folder and named it "repos". Inside the…
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Git Branching and Rebasing, Is My Script Safe?

I work in a team where we do all of our development in feature branches, and when features are complete we merge them back into our main branch (called development). Periodically we will do formal usability testing or demos of our software, so we…
Brendon Dugan
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1 answer

How can I get PuTTY to stop asking for a PW after SSH keys created?

Using Git Bash, I established SSH Keys and disabled password requirements for root: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin without-password Then restarted server. Git Bash logs in fine: ssh root@IPADDRESS It asks for SSH Key Encryption…
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