Questions tagged [git-bash]

Git Bash is a bash shell bundled with Git for Windows that enables use of Git from the command line.

Git for Windows provides a Bash emulation environment used to run Git and a small set of Unix tools from the command line.

2696 questions
1 answer

Get properties of git bash terminal on windows

What is the command to get all main properties of opened git bash terminal on windows (version, type of terminal) Edit: Running bash --version returns GNU bash, version 3.1.0(1)-release (i686-pc-msys) Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation,…
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git - Server host key not cached - Windows twist

I'm having a problem similar to the one in git - Server host key not cached, but there is a twist that is making the best solution there not work. The twist is that I am trying to clone a repository from Stash, an application from Atlassian like…
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Grunt-SSH error: Malformed cygwin unix socket file

I am trying to set up a Grunt task to ssh into a remote server and perform some operations using grunt-ssh. I am using git bash on a windows machine. The relevant parts of my Gruntfile.js are the following: grunt.initConfig({ sshconfig: { …
Craig Innes
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3 answers

How to npm install with git-bash/mingw32 on win7

I am using git-bash/mingw32 on win7. I am trying to install npm: $ npm install sh: npm: command not found. Git-bash is working normally and is installed correctly. How can I make this work?
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1 answer

msysgit bash shell thinks argument is a UNC path when it's not

I'm trying to call TFSBuild from the Git Bash shell but I'm not having any luck. Using "$TFSBUILD" start //Collection:http://tfsserver converts the second argument to //Collection:http://tfsserver so the argument will not work because it has two…
Juliana Peña
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Can't push gitolite-admin by braking gitolite.conf

Usually i find my answers by trying different solutions i find on stackoverflow but really, nothing seems to work today. I installed gitolite and it took me like two days before i got my main user to clone and push (proved to be the problem that i…
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1 answer

Using backtick command execution in Git alias

Here's a simple example to demonstrate my problem. If I do: git commit -m "`date --utc`" It executes date --utc, and puts the result inside the commit message. However, when I alias it to testcomit: git config --global alias.testcommit 'commit -m…
Saeb Amini
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1 answer

Difference between Gitbash and Sourcetree app terminal

I am trying to implement ssh keys pairs for git using bitbucket. Then i got this link It is using Gitbash for commandline. Now i got confused bet the Terminal in SourceTree UI and Gitbash. So are they same ? If no then will using any of twos for…
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1 answer

git: determine if there are file that are not on repo, but should be added

I have a repository where Git shows that: $ git status # On branch develop # Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop'. # # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage) # # modified: pom.xml # # Changes not…
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1 answer

Run Ruby-generated `foreman` in GitBash, Windows 7

I'm trying to run foreman inside my GitBash (Windows 7). I installed it as part of the Heroku-Toolbelt for Windows, and added C:\Program Files (x86)\Heroku\ruby-1.9.3\bin to the path. It works in cmd, but that disrupts my workflow. The error I…
0 answers

Typed: Accidentally entered 'cat' in git bash and I cant exit

I had tried everything to close this one yet I fail. please lend me some hands, I'm new to git bash and currently studying it
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1 answer

Starting multiple tools like grunt and http-server in one terminal

I'm using git-bash on windows and I find it annoying to open up two terminal windows (and navigating to the right path in both) to: start a http-server to server static files (node tool) start grunt (default grunt task is grunt-watch which watches…
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1 answer

Git Bash prompt does not open - GIt bash installation

I have installed several times the package GI-1.9.4-preview20140611.exe on my Windows 8. When I try to open the git bash command window, the window opens, but it is empty, no showing the usual welcome message and the git prompt. I have tried…
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1 answer

Running "git difftool" at Git Bash opens up multiple, empty instances of Visual Studio

When I run the following command in Git Bash: git difftool mybranch master git opens up several empty instances (no files open, no diff shown) of Visual Studio, one after another. Here's the relevant portion of my global .gitconfig, located in my…
Nathan Friend
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1 answer

File Permissions Vary from Git Bash to Cygwin Command Line

I am on a Windows 8 machine. I use Git Bash when doing source control. I use Cygwin to ssh into my server. I have a sensitive file (private key in fact), which I want to have rwx-rwx---- permissions. When running ls -l from the Cygwin command line,…
Stealthy Stan
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