Questions tagged [gif]

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is an image file format associated with ".gif" file extension. Use this tag for questions involving this specific format.

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is an image file format associated with ".gif" file extension.

The GIF file format has many limitations compared to modern image files, including a limited color palette and lossless compression, which makes it a poor choice for storing photos. Despite the limitations, GIFs remain popular due to animation capabilities and widespread decoder support in web browsers.

2868 questions
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Android gif - Convert Bitmap to Movie

I'm writing .GIF support for my app. Right now, I've got nice subsystem, that downloads large images and resizes them to fit the screen, taken from here I need to find a way to convert Bitmap instance to Movie instance. There are…
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How can I remove flickering from an animated gif in Java?

I've been trying to implement a game using a BufferStrategy within a Canvas in a JFrame, and I just can't seem to get my animated .gif images (implemented as new ImageIcon().getImage()) to play without flickering. I think the problem lies with the…
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Pausing GIF playback in java

i'm attempting to control the playback of a GIF in Java. The GIF is an Image object, and as there appears to be no built in method for pausing, what I'm currently trying to do is run the wait() command on the Image object. However, the only way to…
1 answer

How to make an animation special effect in an android game?

I am attempting to make a 2D android game which is being coded in java and I have a question. How would one display an electricity zap animation as if it was sparking between 2 Tesla Coils? I have explored using a GIF but when the screen is panned…
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Strech .gif images in a win32 windows program

I am making an application, where I am trying to resize a .gif animation image, which i am showing in another window inside the main window. As of now now I am using the SetWindowPos function present in windows.h. This function, simply resizes the…
Utkarsh Mankad
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jQuery: .gif animation is not working

In my project I want to display .gif animation (need to display the rotating wheel, to indicate the data is getting downloaded) till the data gets from Server, after clicking the “Display Product Details”. For this I followed two approaches: 1st…
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animated gif on uibutton

I use this code, that work, really size of image 160x148 but image button is view very big on all screen! UIImageView* animatedImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds]; animatedImageView.animationImages = [NSArray…
0 answers

Converting PNG to GIF - Alpha channels are corrupted

I have a PNG that I am converting to a GIF using objective-c (using the ImageIO framework), but my Alpha channels are being converted strangely. For example, I have a red square with a glossy semi-transparent overlay ontop of the square to make it…
Albert Renshaw
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Graphics issue with Movie class

Hello and happy holidays! After a lot of search, i endup by defining a custom class to play animated gif on android. In some phones it works perfect, but in some phones (and some emulator profiles) it dont. The problem is that is "flickers" a blue…
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3 answers

Use gif image in Javascript whilst waiting for data

Whilst waiting for 'real-time' data from the server, I want to display a gif image. Otherwise the client sees nothing and doesn't know about the status of their request. With a gif image such as an 'egg-timer' for instance they would at least know…
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1 answer

invoke-webrequest to get complete web page with images

How do I get the output file to contain the images on the webpage and not just the links to the images? PS C:\temp> Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile C:\temp\51.html
Neck Beard
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PIL - generated picture as a GIF animations in django

Possible Duplicate: Programmatically generate video or animated GIF in Python? My idea is very simple: PIL script on a Django-powered website generates a picture and this picture is then animated as a GIF animation. I know how to do the first…
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Gif Works on emulator but not on device

I am using a custom GIFView class to display an animated gif in android in a full screen layout. The gif is displayed and animated on my AVDs running Android API 8 and 16, but not on my device running Android 4.0.4. On my device it is as though the…
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How do I get animated series into my iPhone app?

I was trying to put a GIF into my iphone app, but it just showed the first frame. I read that you have to put this coding into my app with a UIimageView. UIImage *blur5 = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Picture 12.jpg"]; UIImage *blur6 = [UIImage…
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How to show a gif image in WinRT?

I am trying to show NON ANIMATED gif images in my WinRT app. My current solution is to use a server side converter to convert the images to png, and then load them into an Image control. I have limited bandwidth and would prefer to do it in-app. I…
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