Questions tagged [getvalue]

154 questions
2 answers

VBA/Macro code to get the value of textbox

Sub CopyRandomRows() Windows("sample rnd.xlsm").Activate Rows("1:1").Select Selection.Copy Application.CutCopyMode = False Selection.Copy Windows("rnd sample draft.xlsm").Activate Sheets("Random Sample").Select …
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Google Script .getvalue() Not Working With Cells With a Formula In It

I have this google script for google sheets that moves rows of data from "Sheet1" to "Sheet2" when column 15 says "tracking", and it works perfectly fine when I type in "tracking" but I would like that column to be an IF equation something like…
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Firebase datasnapshot.getValue() returns null

In my app, I have used Firebase database and stored userID in a child and set the value of the child as username to get the username of the current user. Now I'm using addValueEventListener to get the username from the database. This is my Firebase…
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C# GetValue of PropertyInfo with SubClasses

First of all, sorry for my bad English... I hope you'll understand what I want to say. I have a problem with a little code where I need to get the value of class' properties. (That's not my full project, but the concept of what I want to do. And…
Kevin Joss
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GetValue of PropertieInfo throws TargetParameterCountException (System.Reflection)

I mistakenly posted this question already at the SharePoint part. I need to map one model onto an other. Everything works well but the last property throws a TargetParameterCountException. The property which throws the exception is called "Item"…
0 answers

React-bootstrap Form getValue not a function

Im using Meteor with Mantra since i have changed to the latest React-Bootstrap version yesterday and replaced my
and to , , and i get the following error: login.jsx:70 Uncaught…
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Google App Script, .getValue returns ERROR

I have quite a big problem. If I read columns cells with for loop and range(r,c.).getValue() (same for reading with range(r,c,m,1).getValues() ) the values are not read. I got #ERROR!. I am reading cell values that are some as reference from other…
Jure Rejc
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2 answers

Odoo 10 selection fields value

How can i get selection fields value in odoo 10? def compute_default_value(self): return self.get_value("field") I tried this, def compute_default_value(self): return dict(self._fields['field'].selection).get(self.type) Also tried…
Serdar Eren
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3 answers

Delphi TDBGrid selected row get value

I would like to retrieve a value from a TDBGrid the selected row, how can I do? procedure TForm7.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var i, j: Integer; s: string; begin if DBGrid1.SelectedRows.Count>0 then with…
Nu Carvignulu
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1 answer

Using java cplex to solve TSP, getValues of variables gives an error

I use cplex to solve the travelling salesman problem (TSP). Given that if x[i][j]=1, then the path goes from the city i to the city j, otherwise, ther is no path between these cities. The corresponding matrix: IloNumVar[][] x = new…
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3 answers

Javascript & jquery | I want to get the text in the tag outside the button the user clicked on

Web site picture Hello I want to get a val in span with on click event but I must use one event for this. What am I trying to do basicly if user click PAY button inside in second div I should get .faturatarih value witch is "09-05-2021 10:22" in…
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I want to get the values of a row of a spreadsheet based on the selected cell

I need to get all values of a row of a spreadsheet based on the cell that I have selected. Example: I have selected the Cell F1. Now I want the all value in that row (for example F1, F2, F3, F4, F5). What I tried: var selection =…
2 answers

C# Reflection - FieldInfo.GetValue get variables and values from another class

so I'm trying to add some stuff to my debug output and I'm currently trying to dynamically get the class variables and the values of it. I tried some stuff and got it working quite fast when I added the cod ein the same class like this: var…
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3 answers

EnumValue in TypeConverter

I have a class with properties such as : [TypeConverter(typeof(SomeNameEnumValueConvert))] public Example ExampleName { get; set; } In my Enum TypeConverter, I try to get the Enum name from a certain integer, because the source is reading from a…
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1 answer

ListPreference, get value from fragment

My app contains a listPreference with entries and an entryValues list in my strings.xml I want to receive the value of the currently selected entry in a PreferenceFragment. Right now, I use the following code to fetch these values, (and later on,…
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