Questions tagged [genymotion]

Genymotion is a relatively fast Android emulator which comes with pre-configured Android (x86 with OpenGL hardware acceleration) images, suitable for application testing. The project has evolved from the old BuildDroid project, then AndroVM, and comes with a new player design, installer and more.

Genymotion is a relatively fast Android emulator which comes with pre-configured Android (x86 with OpenGL hardware acceleration) images, suitable for application testing. The project has evolved from the old AndroidVM and comes with a new player design and installer.

Genymotion features:

  • Easily download and run pre-configured virtual images: covering a range of Android versions from 2.x onwards, and various phone and tablet screen sizes.
  • Networking: Ethernet (emulates Wi-Fi connection)
  • GPS (with configurable coordinates) and battery (with configurable battery levels) emulation widgets.
  • Display: OpenGL hardware acceleration, multiscreen, full screen display
  • Genymotion shell which allows you to interact with your VM using a command line
  • ADB support
  • Eclipse and Android Studio plugins
  • Supports Linux, Windows and Mac.
  • "Drag&Drop" APK installs
  • "Drag&Drop" ZIP support for system updates/patches

Version 2:

Frequently Asked Questions

1545 questions
1 answer

How to fix Genymotion in linux ElementaryOS with error `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found

Whenever I am trying to start genymotion(run command ./genymotion), the following error shown in my terminal ./genymotion: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by…
Marcelo Gumiero
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17 answers

Geny motion failed to import OVA

Suddenly, i lost all Geny motion emulators (maybe after upgrading to Geny motion 2.2, not sure) and when ever i download a new virtual machine or emulator i get the "failed to import OVA" error and i can't use the virtual machines i downloaded at…
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2 answers

Getting Cordova/Phonegap to emulate on Genymotion virtual device

Using the Cordova CLI, I set up an app and build it: cordova create hi com.example.hi Hi cd hi cordova platform add android cordova build android I run Genymotion and start a device named "api9". I run the Android Debug Bridge adb devices and it…
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3 answers

Google Play Services in Genymotion on Lollipop (Android 5.0)

Can't seem to find any mention of support of Google Play services on Android 5.0 API 21 (Lollipop) in what seems like the canonical thread on the subject or google. Does anyone have any insight on this? I'm familiar with the practice of downloading…
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11 answers

Intel's HAXM equivalent for AMD on Windows OS

Is there any equivalent of Intel's HAXM for AMD (Windows OS) or has anybody been able to hack HAXM to make it work on AMD processors (Windows OS)? Also, would Genymotion ( be significantly faster compared to the default…
8 answers

I cannot use camera in genymotion emulator

I am using genymotion emulator but when I opened the camera , I got message "cannot connect to the camera " , what is the problem ?
7 answers

How to change GENYMOTION screen orientation?

Is it possible to change the orientation of the genymotion emulator? Is there a shotcut or setting to change this? I've tried to google it but have not find it. Any suggestion would be appreciated,thank you.
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2 answers

Using layer-list to display some drawable images

Android studio 2.0 Preview 3b Hello, I have created the following layout that I want to use for a background for my app. I am using the layer-list and I want to display a bowl of peas in 2 locations. Everything looks ok in the preview, but when I…
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17 answers

Genymotion unable to load VirtualBox engine on Windows 10

I recently upgraded to Windows 10 BUILD 10130 and for some reasons, Genymotion doesn't seem to be working. It says "Unable to load VirtualBox Engine." Now i did a bit of research and all the solutions suggested to Delete the Host-only network from…
15 answers

Genymotion error at start 'Unable to load virtualbox'

I've installed the genymotion+virtualbox package on Windows 7 64-bit and everything goes fine... But when I start Genymotion it presents me an error message Unable to load virtualbox. VirtualBox is installed and I'm able to start it manually. I've…
Cristian Gonçalves
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5 answers

Add folder/files in Genymotion emulator

I want to add folder in my Genymotion emulator I also tried this question and follow all instruction but folder is not showing in file manager I also download some images from Google but also those not visible in file manager. In my emulator…
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3 answers

android genymotion vs emulator

Is there any benchmark tests results comparing this two emulators ? I know that Genymotion is seems to be more faster when loading and rebooting the emulator, but is there any tests show result like, Camera, GPS, networking and etc. ?
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5 answers

Installing Genymotion Eclipse plug-in

I have installed Genymotion on my Windows 7 , 32-bit machine. I am working with Eclipse to develop Android apps. I would like to ask what the proper way to install the Genymotion plug-in is. Going by their website, they provide two JAR files for…
An SO User
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27 answers

Unable to create Genymotion Virtual Device

I have successfully downloaded and installed Genymotion and Virtualbox as well as a Virtual Device Image but I am unable to create a virtual device.I get an error message stating Unable to create Virtual Device: Failed to import OVA My laptop…
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7 answers

How can I script genymotion emulator to launch a given avd, headless?

Is there any way to launch by command line a given avd and have it registered via adb ? I would also prefer to get the emulator launched headless. I am looking for this to run tests quickly.
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