Questions tagged [gchart]

53 questions
5 answers

How to import a module from a directory on level above the current script

For my Python application, I have the following directories structure: \myapp \myapp\utils\ \myapp\utils\GChartWrapper\ \myapp\model\ \myapp\view\ \myapp\controller\ One of my class in \myapp\view\ must import a class called GChartWrapper. However,…
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How to show absolute value in tooltip in a pe:gChart

I am using google chart to display pie chart in primefaces.PrimeFaces version is 6.1. Currently the tooltip has absolute value and percentage. i just want to display absolute value. My code is
Mani Ratna
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How can I create Google Charts in server side whitout a headless browser?

I need to export some pdf's sometimes whitout showing the chart data on the page. We are using phantomjs to have a headless browser, and then get the images from phantom to PDF, but this approach is sometimes slow. We are looking to create a faster…
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Google chart line chart - turn off tooltip for a single column

I know this question was already asked before Using Google Visualization API, how to turn off tooltips for a single column?, but i didn't get familiar answer.Please can somebody tell me how to turn off tooltip for a single column?.I tried…
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Google charts piechart Material design

I need to show data in several types of charts and I like the look and feel of the Material design charts over the default google charts. Linecharts and barcharts work nicely, however, a piechart does not seem to be available in Material design...…
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Ruby on Rails - Using the Data from JSON (style) Array

Ruby 'NooB' question. I'm using the gem 'keen', to run a query that returns a (JSON style) multi line string: query -@a = Keen.median returns (array) [{"value"=>3, "timeframe"=>{"start"=>"2015-03-01T02:00:00.000Z",…
1 answer

Implementation of Gchart for dynamic data

I have used Gchart to display data in chart form. For now the chart is static. I need to make the chart dynamic as the chart values may change time and again. My Code is like this: dynamicChartObj = new…
Mani Ratna
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How to code in GWT server side?

In GWT, I will use G chart to present data in the browser, in the gwt server side i will need one thread will generate random data, other threads will represent the data to the client(browser) in a timely manner say after every 2…
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SAS proc Freq & gchart display additional value's frequency/ bars

This might be a weird question. I have a data set contains data like agree, neutral, disagree...for many questions. There is not so many observations so for some question, one or more options has frequency of 0, say neutral. When I run proc freq,…
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Google chart clearChart() with vue-google-charts

i use vue-google-charts to draw several charts on my website. I would like that the user has the option to compare several data with each other. For this the user can add / delete data from the graph. To realize this I would like to clear the chart…
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How can we add custom css for Gchart?

I need to add custom css in my Gchart. I am able to bring the index labels in the same line.Also i want to give custom font to the index labels. On inspection of page all the index were inside g tag and i added css for g tag but it is not…
Mani Ratna
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1 answer

PrimeFaces Extensions Gchart is not working properly

I am using PrimeFaces version 6.1 . I need to show my data in chart format. For this i implemented the GChart component as link I have added link in my form and on click of that…
Mani Ratna
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1 answer

How to label my bar chart with numbers?

I am using gchart and I am trying to use markers to label my bar char with numbers. So that ever bar has a number value on top of it. I tried markers: [$.gchart.marker('number', 'red', -1)] markers: [$.gchart.marker('number', 'red', -1,…
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how do I display a googlechart in ruby?

I was wondering how to display a chart made with gchartrb in ruby. I tried to do it by simply requiring the picture from the URL given but that gives the error "Bad URI". how do I do it? thanks require 'rubygems' require 'google_chart' # Pie…
Adam Ashwal
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5 answers

Client Side Graphing Tool that supports saving of the Graph?

I'm trying to find a graphing tool that runs clients side that will allow me to plot some data and then save the grpah. I have Tried FLOT but it does not support saving of the graph. I have tried gChart…
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