Questions tagged [gasp]

Graphics API for Students of Python (GASP) is a procedural graphics library for beginning programmers.

Graphics API for Students of Python (GASP) is a procedural graphics library for beginning programmers.

It is used in the free textbook How to Think Like a Computer Scientist.


16 questions
1 answer

scrollmagic not responding to the trigger element

I have problems with the ScrollMagic. It's not responding at all on the trigger element. Below I'll provide with the code: the CSS: .container { height: 3000px; } #trigger { position: relative; top: 300px; } .katrori { opacity:…
Ilir Bajrami
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1 answer

Why does GASP work properly only when induced in terminal?

I typed the following commands into terminal: br@wind:~$ python Python 2.7.3 (default, Aug 1 2012, 05:16:07) [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> from gasp import * >>>…
Bartłomiej Szałach
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2 answers

Difficulty Importing GASP Using Script

Using interpreter mode, from gasp import * runs, but when I place it in a script it doesn't. I'm copying this straight from chapter 4 of How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python (under heading 4.11. GASP). Script: from gasp…
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0 answers

python, module "gasp" gives same error with every program whereits used, "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'maketrans'"

It was working fine but suddenly module "gasp" has stopped working and gives this error : choose between a, b and c : b function_b was called... Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in from gasp import * File…
1 answer

Why GASP doesn't work when I run it from IDLE?

I made this script: from gasp import * begin_graphics() Circle((200, 200), 60) Line((100, 400), (580, 200)) Box((400, 350), 120, 100) update_when('key_pressed') end_graphics() When I start it from terminal, it works perfectly. When I run it from…
1 answer

multiprocessing.Process subclass works on Linux but not Windows

I'm trying to get python-gasp working on Windows, but when I do import gasp; gasp.begin_graphics() I get the following traceback: File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\gasp\", line 142, in create_screen screen.updater.start() File…
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1 answer

Difficulty with installing gasp in windows 7 64 bit

I am having difficulty installing gasp in windows 7. Although I have the read instructions here but they were not helpful. I am currently using python 2.7.
3 answers

How do I install GASP for Python 2.6.2 on a Mac

I'm currently trying to learn Python and am going through How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning With Python. I have installed Python 2.6.2 on Mac OSX 10.4.11 and am using the IDLE. At the end of chapter 4 Elkner et al. refer to GASP.…
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0 answers

how should I use gsap.timeline() in vue3

I wanna make a motion graph by using gsap in vue3. I met a question. here is an example below. object-type variable like tl return by data() is transform to Proxy by default. And it dose not work when I config it later. So I try to define a variable…
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1 answer

ScrollMagic offset on different window height

I am using ScrollMagic to get some animations on scroll. The problem is that I need to use offset so that the animation triggers on some point of scroll but it totally depends on the window height. So in the example i have…
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2 answers

Can't get functions from script tags html

Super new to html but i've been trying to get the function TweenTo(elem,dur,style) from this web script And here is where i'd like to implement that…
0 answers

gasp doesent work on safari

anyone help me why this doesen't wrok on safari? it works great on chrome. the js script works on firefox also but with some svg problems which doesnt appear in their right position but thats another issue... in safari in the debugger tab i get…
Ilir Bajrami
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1 answer

Scrollmagic & GASP how to restart animation

I'm creating an animation of a book. the pages should turn fast (as i did in the animation) but I want them to go back in the starting position after e scroll back out of the trigger range. below is the js code and the codepen…
Ilir Bajrami
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1 answer

Scrollmagic timelineMax duration offset

I have a pretty simple Scrollmagic event. It involves section wipes, as explained here - ScrollMagic Section Wipes Example. So taking that I put together the following ScrollMagic setup. var ctrl = new ScrollMagic.Controller({ …
Chris James Champeau
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1 answer

How can I install python-gasp on Ubuntu 16.04?

I use a Ubuntu 16.04 system, and I want to install the gasp for python. I was told that the following commands can help me to install the python-gasp: $ sudo apt-get install python-gasp I tried the commands, but it seems not to work, because when…
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