Questions tagged [fuslogvw]

fuslogvw (Fusion Log Viewer) is a part of the .NET Framework SDK that facilitates debugging of assembly binding failures.


23 questions
6 answers

Assembly Binding Log Viewer (fuslogvw) not logging any bindings

Assembly Binding Log Viewer (fuslogvw) is not logging bindings for any version of the framework installed on my machine. I tried using a custom log location, the default log location, the default category, and the native images category. Assembly…
David Silva Smith
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2 answers

Fuslogvw.exe tool for .Net does not show UI

I'm trying to use fuslogvw.exe on a Win 2008 R2 system. It shows the process started and using CPU but no UI appears. I've tried the 32bit and 64bit version in and not in admin mode but no luck. I don't see anything in the event log as a problem.
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1 answer

What is Post-Policy reference in assembly binding log?

Trying to understand this assembly binding failure - What is the meaning of "Post-policy reference" in the log below? LOG: This bind starts in default load context. LOG: Using application configuration file: E:\approot\WorkerRole.dll.config LOG:…
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1 answer

.NET native images created with NGEN are not loaded

I have used NGEN to create native images of several assemblies used by my application. However, those images are not loaded when running the application and I have no idea why. This is a typical log from fuslogvw: *** Assembly Binder Log Entry …
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2 answers

Alternative to Fusion Log Viewer?

Are there any alternative Fusion Log Viewer programs, other than Fuslogvw.exe, or directing the Fusion log output to your own directory and then examining the tons of HTM files by hand? My two main gripes are: I'd like an overview that showed which…
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1 answer

System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly Log4net

I added an existing project to my solution. When I run all unit tests with MSTest runner, I get the following error on a couple of tests: Message: Test method soandso threw exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly…
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2 answers

Setting up NSASS in production environment?

we are using NSASS to compile our Sass files to css ( ). NSASS is set up and working great in development environment. But when we try to deploy it to our testserver we are unable to get NSASS up and running. We…
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2 answers

Can't load .dll file (HRESULT 0x80070002)

Eclipse does look for a .dll file that a plug-in of mine needs to execute. This is the full path of the file: C:\Eclipse\eclipse-sib\eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\324\1\.cp\jni4net.n.w32.v20- Trying to open it like…
Stefan Falk
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1 answer

Assembly fails to load, no fusion log error

I've got a very minimal console app which just tries to print out the value of an enum from a referenced assembly. Let's call the assembly "VendorAssembly.DDK.dll", and say it defines "Vendor.Namespace". Here's my anonymised test code. IntervalType…
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1 answer

"Not found" exception on loading referenced .NET DLL that is in same folder as referncing .NET DLL

I have a .NET DLL SigToolNet.DLL with multiple visible COM classes. It references a .NET DLL FTDIVcpLibNet.DLL wrapper for a native C++ static library FTDIVCPLIB which in turn references 3rd party native DLL ftd2xx.dll. The SigToolNet.DLL is…
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2 answers

Discovering which assemblies are loading which dependencies (at runtime)

What's the easiest way to discover which assembly is triggering certain dependencies to be loaded at runtime? I've got a stray reference to an old assembly somewhere, in one of the 100+ assemblies that get loaded as part of our application. Using…
James Crowley
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2 answers

Schema specified is not valid - Exception

Schema specified is not valid. Errors: (0,0) : error 0004: Could not load file or assembly 'JIMSDAL, Version=6.0.5126.47, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9054b539c49e6e2e' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest…
Kishore Kumar
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2 answers

Replacing dll to a newer version

I have a Caliburn.Micro application with many projects. Several projects refer to the same dll in a separate folder. Now I needed to replace that dll with a newer version. I removed the reference from all projects and added it again. But I am…
David Shochet
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1 answer

Cannot customize log path

I created a folder C:\FusionLog and tried to input this in the Log Settings Custom Path field as seen below. However, when I try to put a backslash C:\FusionLog\ I get the following error message below. I tried researching this issue but could not…
0 answers

Why would my app suddenly start wanting a .resources file?

I made a change in my forms based C# app where I changed some dialogs to no longer handle multiple locales for the resources (gave up on translating all the text). Since doing that, the app now does not load because it says (FUSLOGVW): The operation…
David Thielen
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