Questions tagged [fuelphp]

FuelPHP is a simple, flexible, community driven PHP 5.3 web framework based on the best ideas of other frameworks with a fresh start.


  • (H)MVC implementation
    • Full HMVC implementation
    • ViewModels to get the View-specific logic out of your Views and Controllers
    • Route directly to closures (from v1.1)
  • Modular and Extendable Core/Packages/Applications
    • Extend or replace Core classes without rewriting a single line of code
    • Package additional functionality into Packages
    • Create modular application by dividing it up into Application Modules
  • Security
    • Output encoding
    • Input filtering
    • XSS filtering
    • CSRF token protection
    • SQL injection prevention
  • OIL: The power of (optional) command line
    • Code generation and Scaffolding
    • Run Database Migrations
    • Interactive Debugging
    • Tasks - useful for CRON and Importing Data
  • ORM
    • OO way of working with database data and performing CRUD operations
    • All normal relationship types: belongs-to, has-one, has-many, many-many ("has and belongs to many")
    • Fetch relations of relations of relations of...etc... in one go ("nested relations")
    • Use Observers to update/process the objects instances, for example to validate before saving or to auto-update an updated_at property
    • The only ORM to support Temporal rows
    • Soft delete out of the box
  • Authentication Framework
    • Included simple authentication for users, groups & basic ACL
    • Secure hashing function for passwords included (PBKDF2)
    • Default interface for any Auth library in Fuel
  • Template Parsing Libraries
    • There are drivers included for the following libraries:
      • Mustache
      • Markdown
      • Smarty
      • Twig
      • Haml
      • Jade
      • Dwoo

Current Version: 1.7.3 (released 2015-05-21)

524 questions
6 answers

How to check if a defined constant exists in PHP?

So I'm using a PHP framework called fuelphp, and I have this page that is an HTML file, so I can't use PHP in it. I have another file that has a top bar in it, which my HTML file will call through ajax. How do I check if a constant exists in…
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3 answers

How to check whether the Redis server is running

How to check whether the Redis server is running? If it's not running, I want to fallback to using the database. I'm using the FuelPHP framework, so I'm open to a solution based on this, or just standard PHP.
Chris Harrison
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1 answer

Git Submodule Workflow Advice

So I started using Git a few days ago. ( Very late to the party - don't scold :) ). Really starting to get comfortable with the basic commands, ideas and workflows. However, submodules are really taking my brain for a ride. I am attempting to…
Jordan Arseno
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5 answers

identity conditional "===" , performance, and conversion

I've always came away from stackoverflow answers and any reading I've done that "===" is superior to "==" because uses a more strict comparison, and you do not waste resources converting value types in order to check for a match. I may be coming at…
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2 answers

Using HTML5 Boilerplate Build script with a PHP framework

I’m a big fan of the popular HTML5 Boilerplate. I’d love to use the build script to minifiy etc, but I can’t figure out how to get everything working together. To add further fun, I deploy using Git – no FTP. Paul Irish’s video on using the build…
Thomas Edwards
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3 answers

FuelPHP update of ORM results in " instead of " sporadically

I'm using PHP 5.4.4 and I'm getting very strange behavior with the FuelPHP ORM save and update functions. I'm trying to save either serialized or JSON data to a field in the database so something like {"name":"michael"}. When I use the model->save()…
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3 answers

FuelPHP - is it production ready?

I'm just doing a comparison of different frameworks - pros and cons, benchmarking, that sort of thing. I need the comparison for a future project. In doing so I came across FuelPHP, which has Phil Sturgeon working on it. I recognise the name from…
Dan Blows
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2 answers

Wildcards with Apache Directory and RewriteRule?

I'm trying to get FuelPHP to work on my server. I don't have access to use .htaccess file for RewriteRule. However, my host has allowed me to specify a part of the httpd.conf file. The following works for what I want:
Nate Radebaugh
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1 answer

Object not found! after redirect route in Fuel php

Below is the directory structure of my fuelphp project fuel logs public tmp In public folder i have assets index.php When I hit any URL other than base URL it throws following error Object not found error here is my login code public…
Mirza Obaid
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3 answers

How can i output/log the sql query generated by Fuel PHP's Orm queries?

Is there some way of logging or outputting the mysql query string that is generated from a Model_Orm::query() or a Model_Orm::find()? I have a complex Orm::query() that is not giving me the results i'd expect, and i'm wondering why!
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1 answer

FuelPHP ORM database schema for i18n, opinions/suggestions

While this question might be similar to many others, I'd like to ask for opinions/suggestions on the best approach for i18n specificaly on FuelPHP. So, here is what I've got so far: Database schema #1: models (id, name_pt, name_es, name_en,…
Quetzy Garcia
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1 answer

Using GIT with PHP framework, and updating that framework

I've done some reading on this but figured a specific post might be helpful. Let's say I'm using FuelPHP framework on some custom projects, and those guys release a new update to the framework. My project already has a GIT repository of the…
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1 answer

Multiple application directories in FuelPHP

For the last couple of years, I've been developing a web application based on CodeIgniter. CI has served me well to date, but for the next generation of the software, I'm looking to move to PHP 5.3 and a more robust framework. I've watched FuelPHP…
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1 answer

Multiple order by with join

I am new to fuelphp.Need to add order_by for parent table: order by username asc, parent_table_field asc. I tried following code: Model_Definition::find('all', Array ( [related] => Array ( [users] => Array ( …
Jaya Vishwakarma
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4 answers

Is it possible to route all URLs with dashes in FuelPHP?

In the following configuration is it possible to use a regular expression or any other method besides specifing each route to use controller thisisatest when URL is this-is-a-test/action? Would I have to build/extend my own Router…
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