Questions tagged [front-camera]

Mostly a camera which is near the display on the front side. Thus allowing to preview the image to be taken.


A front-facing camera is a feature of cameras, mobile phones and similar mobile devices that allows taking a self-portrait photograph or video while looking at the display of the device, usually showing a live preview of the image.

A camera on the front of the phone, facing the user. This enables two-way video calls (such as Google Hangouts, Apple FaceTime, or Skype), and is also useful for capturing self-portraits ("selfies").

70 questions
6 answers

Switch cameras with avcapturesession

Using this tutorial here: I have created a custom overlay and image capture with AVCaptureSession. I am attempting to allow the user to switch between the front and back camera. Here is my code in…
Kyle Begeman
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1 answer

How to make video captured by front camera not being inverse Android?

I recording video using MediaRecorder.When using back-camera,it working fine,but when using front camera,the video captured is being flipped/inverse.Means that the item in right,will appear on the left.The camera preview is working fine,just final…
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iOS - WebRTC front camera - video is flipped horizontally

WebRTC video is flipped horizontally in Front Camera, thus in the receiving end also this flipped video is showing. But the Back Camera working fine as the Camera APP. How to change this flipped behaviour of front camera and thus the captured frame…
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iOS detecting distance between user's face and device using front camera

Right now i am developing an app for testing human eye by reading letters and symbols, for that the user have to maintain 2 feet distance from his device. So I need to detect distance between human face and ios device using front camera. Regarding…
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Face Tracker CameraSource Android: How to brighten front camera quality?

Face Tracker app based on Google Vision Face Tracker. By default, Face Tracker use rear/back camera, but I want to detect faces with front camera. This is the code for CameraSourcePreview that google vision provide: package…
0 answers

How to revert back the flipped picture from front camera in android?

Can not figure out for couple of days now how to resolve my flipped picture from front camera on Android 4. I want to rotate them on this way, but for some reason android don`t detect rule for front facing camera and OS version. public static…
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4 answers

Flip the video recorded with front facing camera along horizontal axis in IOS

I am trying to un-mirror the mirror effect created by iPhone’s front facing camera while recording video. Basically, I want to flip the video captured by front facing camera along the horizontal axis, so that the final edited video doesn’t not have…
3 answers

How to turn on flashlight and front camera at the same time in android

In one of the requirement in my app I need to pop up an activity containing the front camera preview,at this same time I need to turn on the flashlight as well.However I observe that,I am able to turn on the flashlight and back camera but not front…
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ARCore Front Camera placing models and moving them on screen (without anchors)

Sup guys, I develop one simple app with ARCore, and trying to set in front camera 3D objects, and move it (resize). I know that anchors don't work in frontcam mode, but them don't need me. I want to move my models only on screen (for doing selfie…
2 answers

How to convert & rotate raw NV21 array image ( from front cam portrait mode in onImageAvailable (android Camera2)?

Note: All info in my post only goes for Samsung Galaxy S7 device. I do not know how emulators and other devices behave. In onImageAvailable I convert continuously each image to a NV21 byte array and forward it to an API expecting raw NV21 format.…
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1 answer

Android Camera API 2 Auto Focus on Front Camera

I am working with Camera API 2 in Android and trying to apply the auto focus feature. The auto focus is working fine with back camera but not the front camera. (I am using Android 5.1 and 6.0 devices) Detail: This is the trigger to start auto…
2 answers

Turn on Flash and Front camera at the same time on iPhone

I need to use the Front camera and have the back light LED turned on in iPhone. how can I do that? I can open the front camera using this code: - (void) turnCameraOn { if ([UIImagePickerController…
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Front Facing Camera Issue in IPhone 5S IOS 7

I have problem on IPhone 5S with front camera output, the same session resolution like rear camera. (AVCaptureSessionPreset352x288) and kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange setting for kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey. I found some…
Voda Ion
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How to zoom android camera more than actually provided, especially front facing camera?

I would like to implement android camera zoom by loosing quality. So I want to achieve result to zoom more than provided or allowed in built in camera. The same thing I want to do also for rear camera. Are there ideas? p.s. I know how it works…
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3 answers

How to record video using AudioVideoCptureDevice in WP8

Here its stated that I can record video using AudioVideoCaptureDevice but there is no sample or help provided. I need to do the following things: - record the video into a stream DONE - display a thumbnail of video recorded (can be a frame…
Milan Aggarwal
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