Questions tagged [freebase]

Freebase was a large, Google owned, community-edited, general knowledge semantic database that could previously be accessed via a RESTful API. It was shut down in 2016.

Freebase was a large, community-edited, general knowledge semantic database that could be accessed via a RESTful API. Its core information is derived from Wikipedia, MusicBrainz, and OpenLibrary, among other sources. It retains links to those sources, as well as a large number of other sources of strong identifiers (Library of Congress, New York Times, IMDB, etc), allowing cross-referencing among the various sources.

It was originally developed by Metaweb and is now owned by Google. Data can be reused under a CC-BY attribution license.

Freebase was shutdown on May 2, 2016, although extracts of the data are available.

649 questions
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Retrieve specific text freebase/WEX python re

let's say I have text/string like this This is something before any tag, today's date is 09-06-2012 blah blah content of first tag This is the first sentence in my paragraph that needs to be
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freebase api - restore content by GUID

I'm trying to get topic details by guid, since it is the only parameter I've got from the client. Is it possible to get all details regarding topic by it's guid? I was trying with "trans raw" but very small amount of information were returned from…
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Large Freebase query with python 2.7 on GAE

I need to query about 30000 entities from Freebase using Python on GAE. This has been my evenings journey so far: Firstly, I attempted to use the solution using the 'cursor' key from here: how to increase freebase API result limit. But I hit the…
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MQL - checking whether a topic has an associated image

I am using the Freebase Image Service eg. Image of Arnie However, many of the topics don't have images eg. Lord Voldemort How do I check the topic using MQL (and PHP) to see whether it has an associated image?
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What are some better ways to create Topic Hubs automatically

I wish to create something similar for my app like: I could make use of Freebase data or Wikipedia data or any other data but I am totally…
Arpit Tambi
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freebase api error on deployment to appengine: DownloadError: ApplicationError: 2

I'm using google.appengine.api urlfetch to preform the following freebase MQL query:{"q1": {"query": [{"subjects": [{"name|=": ["doubt","trust"]}], "type": "/media_common/quotation", "name":…
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Which database is using?

Is it a custom database, or are they using a 'classic' triple store ?
Eric Abouaf
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Need to figure out this source code of freebase quad rdfize

I have looked all over internet but found only this single piece of source code that seems to convert freebase quad data to rdf triples. I checked out this source code using tortoiseSVN and tried running it in Netbeans 7 (with pre-installed maven).…
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Is it possible to harvest videos of a topic from YouTube and how?

I want to do some video classification experiments and I need a dataset about pet videos. Can I harvest videos on YouTube? I know Youtube has this awesome api: Freebase Topics. But from the example it provides, I can only get the name of the videos…
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have troubles downloading the freebase dump file

I am trying to download the dump file (the 22GB zip file) from "". It seems like the download link is not available. Is it going to be available soon? Thanks in advance.
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trim freebase data dump to only English entities

I have a compressed freebase data dump that has all the entities in it. How can I use grep or something else to trim the data dump to only contain english entities? Here is what I am trying to get the rdf dump to look like:…
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Freebase find all bands from an artist?

If I have a band member, mid: "/m/0411131" (in this case Jack Barakat from All Time Low. How do I find all the bands he's been in using or mql? -thanks
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Unable to get name of the sport -from team name in android

How to get the name of the sport from professional sport team name from facebook .Currently I am using this code : SELECT page_id,name,type FROM page WHERE page_id IN ( SELECT page_id FROM page_fan WHERE uid=me()) I get the name and type but I…
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1 answer

FreeBase Android Query Returns only 1 result

I am building an Android application. I try to get the data from Code : query = "'[{'" + "'name': null,'" + "'mid': null,'" + …
Priska Aprilia
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Semantic web to develop suggesion search box using and MQL

am developing a suggestion search box through which user enter any keyword initials and get the suggestions as a down menu (Jquery).The data source I want to use is from Freebase database ( I want to use and Metaweb Query…
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