Questions tagged [fonts]

A font is an electronic data file containing a set of glyphs, characters, or symbols such as dingbats. Although the term font first referred to a set of metal type sorts in one style and size, since the 1990s most fonts are digital, used on computers.

Font files contain one or more fonts that can be accessed by the operating system and applications. Most modern fonts are stored in either the OpenType or TrueType formats, which can be used by both Macintosh and Windows computers.

Common font file extensions include .OTF, .TTF, .SVG and .FNT.

1. OpenType Font :

Font format developed by Adobe and Microsoft; combines aspects of PostScript and TrueType font formats; fully scalable, meaning the font can be resized without losing quality.

The OpenType font format is supported by Mac OS X and Windows 2000 and later.

2. TrueType Font :

Font file format created by Apple, but used on both Macintosh and Windows platforms; can be resized to any size without losing quality; also looks the same when printed as it does on the screen.

The TrueType font is the most common font format used by both Mac OS X and Windows platforms.


  1. Computer-font
  2. TrueType Font
  3. OpenType Font
19315 questions
2 answers

Getting the vector points of a letter in a truetype font

Since True Type fonts are just vectors, I was wondering if there was a way to get the vectors (array of points) for a letter given that i'm using the WinAPI. Thanks
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1 answer

Ugly fonts in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 14.0 Windows 8.1

I use macType which renders fonts beautifully elsewhere except Intellij. I tried to configure Intellij through these Java options -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings = On -Dswing.aatext = True but it did not help. I'm not sure why but Intelij does not…
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2 answers

Get list of fonts (Win32)

I want to make a combo box with all of the computer's installed fonts enumerated in it. I'm not sure how this is done. Do I need to access the registry to get this? Thanks
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1 answer

WOFF Fonts, what Are they and why should I care?

So mozilla has proposed a new webfont, i'm not really into that world, but i want to keep myself up2date. So whats the great thing since even Microsoft is backing it, why should I as a webdev care? Whats the difference from the old ones? Do we need…
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2 answers

Plain text being cut off at bottom in iOS, how to fix in xCode?

I noticed in my iOS app, for text that are using a system font with size 20 pt or more, the bottom of text is being cut off. For example, the bottom portion of the letters y, g, p, and g are being cut off. How do I fix this in Xcode?
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4 answers

In Photoshop file font size is 20px what sp will be for this in android? Is its same? means 20px= 20sp or something else?

In Photoshop file font size is 20px. What sp will be for this in Android? Is it the same, that is, 20px = 20sp or something else? Developer is asking for sp not px. How can I know or define sp in Photoshop?
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4 answers

why is Firefox rejecting ttf fonts

I have ttf fonts from the web that are listed in ftp client* directory listing as windows ttf fonts. I am working with embedded fonts on Firefox on Mac OSX platform and I am getting the following web console error: [17:59:49.201] downloadable font:…
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3 answers

WPF 4.0 Font Rendering Issue

I'm getting a weird rendering issue with WPF 4 applications in the way they render some of the text as it's stretching it and making it very narrow. .net 3.5: .net 4.0: At first I thought it could be a problem with the font, but I'm also seeing…
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1 answer

Increase Resharper Font Size in Unit Test Runner window

I've been using ReSharper for years and have managed to tweak most of the settings to my liking. I'm getting older and my eyes aren't as good as they used to be, so I have been increasing my font sizes. I have been able to tweak most of them…
Jon Comtois
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1 answer

sizeToFit Cuts off Some UILabel Font Types Height & Width But Not Others --- Is There A Fix?

I am working with custom fonts and I have a bit of a snag. Some of the fonts work just fine with sizeToFit like this: However, other custom fonts are getting cut off on the left and bottom as this one is: I could 'hack' it and just check for every…
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3 answers

Custom font with size classes in iOS

I'm trying to add 2 different font sizes for iphone and ipad layouts using size classes. It works cool with a default System font but doesn't work with custom font(I'm using PragmataPro in my project). If I add the second size for wR hR then font…
Dmytro Nasyrov
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2 answers

Why does a Latin-characters-only Java font claim to support Asian characters, even though it does not?

When rendering a chart with JFreeChart, I noticed a layout problem when the chart's category labels included Japanese characters. Although the text is rendered with the correct glyphs, the text was positioned in the wrong location, presumably…
Scott Dudley
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3 answers

Can I force the browser to use CSS @font-face instead of font installed on system?

Do browsers ignore @font-face if they determine that a CSS-imported font is already installed on the client OS? I have a number of uncommon fonts installed on my system for design, etc. It would appear that browsers render these fonts with slight…
2 answers

How do I add a new font to a fpdf?

How can I add the Gotham-book font to fpdf. Most explanations are unclear and very difficult to understand. I need an example. Please can someone assist?
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2 answers

Is there anything wrong with html {font-size: 1px;} for working with REM units?

html {font-size: 62.5%;} seems like the standard approach to set the base font-size to 10px. E.g., html {font-size: 62.5%;} /* 10px */ body {font-size: 1.5rem;} /* 15px */ But this creates a dependency on the browser's font-size 16px. This seems…
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