Questions tagged [fonts]

A font is an electronic data file containing a set of glyphs, characters, or symbols such as dingbats. Although the term font first referred to a set of metal type sorts in one style and size, since the 1990s most fonts are digital, used on computers.

Font files contain one or more fonts that can be accessed by the operating system and applications. Most modern fonts are stored in either the OpenType or TrueType formats, which can be used by both Macintosh and Windows computers.

Common font file extensions include .OTF, .TTF, .SVG and .FNT.

1. OpenType Font :

Font format developed by Adobe and Microsoft; combines aspects of PostScript and TrueType font formats; fully scalable, meaning the font can be resized without losing quality.

The OpenType font format is supported by Mac OS X and Windows 2000 and later.

2. TrueType Font :

Font file format created by Apple, but used on both Macintosh and Windows platforms; can be resized to any size without losing quality; also looks the same when printed as it does on the screen.

The TrueType font is the most common font format used by both Mac OS X and Windows platforms.


  1. Computer-font
  2. TrueType Font
  3. OpenType Font
19315 questions
1 answer

WPF application freezes when rendering text (wpfgfx issues)

TL;DR: application is built with WPF, running on .Net 3.5 newest and older versions of the app work properly on many different machines on one specific machine it malfunctions in a strange way: either does not start, displays black screen instead…
  • 27,938
  • 8
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4 answers

Use custom font in style attribute

What I want to achieve is adding style attribute to my axml file with custom font loaded from Asset. I know I can load built-in fontface like this (style.xml):