Questions tagged [flysystem]

flysystem is a PHP library that provides an abstraction layer for filesystems. It provides a common API for handling standard tasks across multiple file storage engines, and enables easily swapping local and remote filesystems and emulating directories in systems that don't support them.

104 questions
2 answers

AWS S3 - storing and serving non-private images

I am, for the first time, implementing file uploads using S3 (in this case specifically user profile avatar images) using Flysystem. I'm currently at the point where I have created an S3 bucket, and a user can upload an image, which is then visible…
James Crinkley
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1 answer

Flysystem s3: Unable to move a directory

I'm using the league/flysystem package with the Flystem driver on laravel. I'm currently trying to rename a directory. From my understanding, I need to use the move() method for this. On local filesystem driver, this is working fine. However, when…
Nicolas Widart
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1 answer

Downloading file from S3 using Flysystem in PHP

I was wondering if I could get some help. Im using the Flysystem package in my project. At the moment, im uploading a file to S3 using the following code $awss3 = new Flysystem(new AwsS3Adapter($client_details, 'bucket-name')); $stream =…
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1 answer

Laravel S3 Storage disk; has() is returning false

I am trying to check if a file exists on s3, but I keep getting false back. I feel that I am doing something wrong, because the file does exist on s3. Here is how I am checking: $disk = Storage::disk('s3-avatars'); $exists = $disk->has($md5 .…
Get Off My Lawn
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1 answer

How to Enable "reduced redundancy" on Laravel Storage

I'm using Laravel 5.2 Filesystem Storage Class. And here's how I put the object to my bucket: Storage::put('s3')->put([$path, $content]); How do I add StorageClass => REDUCED_REDUNDANCY in the option? I tried to add on config/filesystem.php but it…
Yansen Tan
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1 answer

BinaryFileResponse with php resource from Flysystem

I need to use BinaryFileResponse for correct handling of videos with Length Headers and co. Also I want the user to allow configured other storages (S3, Dropbox). The flysystem readStream method will return a resource but BinaryFileResponse needs a…
Alexander Schranz
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4 answers

How to get url from dropbox using flysystem?

Hello i has upload my file using laravel5, integrate to dropbox and has succeed, and then i want to get the url for my imgsrc="" on the frontend, How i can get thats…
Donny Gunawan
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0 answers

Flysystem local asset from outside public folder in Laravel 4

I have the following method that will get an asset depending on which CDN is used: public function getAsset($filename, $dir = null, $prefix = null) { $extension = File::extension($filename); $name = File::name($filename); …
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0 answers

ftp_mkdir(): OOPS: malloc

I am getting this error on file upload ftp_mkdir(): OOPS: malloc, and I can't upload a base64 image on FTP server my client is Flysystem on Laravel framework and my FTP server is Vsftpd
2 answers

Composer failure when installing Laravel + Voyager with league/flysystem

I did a composer create-project laravel/laravel . and a composer require tcg/voyager. I keep getting this. Using version ^1.4 for tcg/voyager ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating…
Samik Sengupta
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1 answer

Gateway Timeout Error when uploading file from Laravel 7 to AWS S3

Any ideas on what is going wrong here? I'm totally stumped. Code I'm running the following code on a local development server (MacOS with Laravel Valet): $file = $request->file('uploaded_file'); $folder = '001-testing'; $filename =…
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1 answer

League CSV package - reading one line at a time from a resource/stream

I'm using The PHP League CSV importer/exporter to import a large CSV file in Laravel. Since the file is large, I would like to stream it to the CSV parser and handle it one line at a time, without loading every line into memory. Laravel uses…
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3 answers

symfony 4 - flysystem autowire

could you help me with this please? Cannot autowire service "App\Estimate\DocumentManager": argument "$flysystem" of method "__construct()" references class "League\Flysystem\Filesystem" but no such service exists. You should maybe alias this class…
Jakub Kontra
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1 answer

Handling large files with Flysystem

I'm using Flysystem in a Symfony app to manage files upload / download on S3. $downloadableFileStream = $this->get("filesystem")->readStream($document->getDocument()), $mimeType =…
Benjamin B.
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0 answers

Https urls in Laravel - Rackspace with Filesystem

I am using filesystem package without problems for upload and download files to rackspace. According to docs on how to obtain the file url I do: $content = fopen('logo.png', 'r+'); \Storage::disk('disk_temp')->put('logos/logo.png', $content); $url…
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