Questions tagged [flvplayback]

flvplayback is a public class in the programming language for the Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR Adobe ActionScript. Use this tag for questions related to this public class.

flvplayback is a public class in the programming language for the Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR Adobe ActionScript. Use this tag for questions related to this public class.

160 questions
6 answers

Internet Explorer Warning when embedding Youtube on HTTPS site?

EDIT 22 March 2011: This question is no longer that relevant since Youtube now offers HTTPS access: Our application is run over HTTPS which rarely presents any problems for…
Jon Nylander
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FLVPlayback/VideoPlayer: How to access VideoPlayer.load() method that accepts 5 parameters?

I want to use the following load() method that accepts five parameters so that I can load a small "excerpt" from a larger video: In particular, the…
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Java: cross-platform .flv playback

I'm looking for a way to playback .flv files using java. This means I will need a ffmpeg lib that is cross-platform. I've been toying with jmf and fobs4jmf, but I cannot playback in linux because I need a native library (maybe Is…
Miguel Ping
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1 answer

Seek playhead to specific location in Flash Video?

If you load up a FLVPlayback component in Flash or VideoDisplay in Flex and try to seek to a specific location or set playheadTime to a specific location, the movie always rounds up or down by very large amounts In flash, drag a FLVPlayback…
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Playing mp4 video using FLVPlayback module?

I link my mp4 video directly using video.source = "my.mp4" in AS3 and the link is not broken, but then player keeps on loading forever. Any ideas? TA
Donatas Cereska
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Menu indentation after full screen

Using the JW player, streaming flv via rtmp. I am also using the snell.swf skin. When I click on full screen, then return to normal I am seeing the menu for the currently playing item indent. Any ideas what is causing this? Also sometimes seeing…
Joshua Fricke
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1 answer

Flash Video FPS - Playing too fast in certain browsers

I'm playing a series of flv's in a web site. Over the past week or so they suddenly started playing at a faster rate than before. The site has been running for around 2 years with no problems and all of a sudden last week this has started happening…
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1 answer

FLVPlayback component won't seamlessly loop

Everything I've tried so far with a FLVPlayback component to seemlessly loop a progressively-downloaded 15 second video has failed. There's always a split-second pause when it's time to loop. For the scenario, embedding video in a flash project is…
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3 answers

FLV performance and garbage collection

I'm building a large flash site (AS3) that uses huge FLVs as transition videos from section to section. The FLVs are 1280x800 and are being scaled to 1680x1050 (much of which is not displayed to users with smaller screens), and are around 5-8…
1 answer

Lag on Seek() with flvplayback component

First of all: this is my first question here and I am not a skilled Flash Developer. I have a movie with FLVPLAYBACK component (Player). I set an external source (Player.source = " and fully buffer it (using…
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How to ENTIRELY remove an flvplayback from stage when going to another flvplayback on another frame?

I'm trying to create an EXE projector using flash 5.5 AS3 where I have a few videos (FLVs) to show (their location is right next to the exe file in the same directory) - each load in a different frame, and all of those videos should also have a full…
David F
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Why does Youtube buffer some videos partially, but others fully?

This is a question on Youtube's video buffering. For example, this video buffers gradually as it plays along: (1) So if you pause the video, it buffers up to some point and then stops. But try this video. …
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FLVplayback - Stop the file automatically downloading

I currently have the FLVplayback component on my stage, however, I have the autoPlay set to False. This is a problem because I want the stream to only start downloading when the user presses play. Also, I would like to be able to stop the stream…
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AS3 Problem Dynamically adding Cue points to flv and seeking to next cue point

I have a flvplayback component onto which I am loading a video. To mimic next frame and previous frame actions I am adding cue points to the loaded for every second of its length. The next frame /previous frame functions implement…
Aditya P
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1 answer

Best Flash CS5 / Actionscript 3 FLVPlayback component

Hate to ask this question but I have been banging my head against a wall for a while now. I have an Adobe Air 2.5 app that has been written in Flash CS5. There is a need to play video's from within that app and I am not in the mood to write a…
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