Questions tagged [fluid-mac-app-engine]

Fluid is an engine for turning web sites into Mac applications. (For the XML-based templating system, use the "Fluid" tag.)

Fluid lets you create a "Real Mac App" (or "Fluid App") out of any website or web application, effectively turning your favorite web apps into OS X desktop apps.
See the Fluid home page.

This is not to be confused with the XML-based templating system for TYPO3. See for that.

17 questions
1 answer

How can I parse an embedded iFrame to show only a snippet from the iframed page?

For my Greasemonkey-like script, I have loaded an https page on and I wish to display the price of an item on a linked page. What I’ve been doing so far: I tried to use an iFrame to display the window: var prodLinks =…
1 answer

Using GM xmlhttpRequest instead of an iframe to display pertinent info from an external page

I have loaded an https page on and I wish to display use 'GM xmlhttpRequest' to request the price of an item on a linked page. What I’ve been doing so far I tried to use an iFrame to display the window: var prodLinks =…
0 answers

Inbox and Fluid - Compose mail with google scripts

I am new to Inbox and would like know if there is a way to use Inbox with googlescript/javascript. The reason is, that I am using Inbox on OSX with fluid. Fluid allows me use the Inbox web version as a standalone program. The only problem I have…
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3 answers

If page contains specific text then reload (using javascript)

If the text We are sorry but we made a boo boo appears then Wait 5 seconds reload I would like to do this in JavaScript. Here is an attempt (function () { "use strict"; function walkTheDOM(node, func) { if (node && node.nodeType) { …
John Smith
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1 answer

Where does put the console log?

I see a template in the user scripts where it points to console.log('foobar'); as an example filename for the console log. WHERE, exactly can I find this console log? I tried looking in ~/library/application support and had a rummage around.…
Hannah Ellis
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1 answer

How can I craft a GreaseMonkey-like script to show a different page in the lower-third?

If you take a look at this page, there's a lot of white space in the bottom. I wish to use Greasemonkey-like script on that page, that utilises some of that white space and loads another page there (using something like an iFrame). The URL that I…
1 answer

Auto select items-per-page (a drop down) using a Greasemonkey-like script

If you take a look at this page, there's a drop down to show results per page: it can be 10, 20 or 50. I would like a Greasemonkey-like script to simulate selecting 50 per page. For ease of reference some of the HTML from the page is…
1 answer

Can Regular Expressions be used for the URL patterns in a Fluid app?

URL patterns are very handy in Fluid app (a Site-specific Browser for OS X) to support scripts/styles for certain specified URLs, for example: As stated on the official website: In the "Pattern" table below, you should add a pattern for any URL…
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0 answers

using 'do Javascript' in an applescript for osx Fluid App

I'm running fluid app 1.8.5 on El capitan, and I have it running a very simple web page. I'm trying to pull the contents of a div on the page using an applescript, but can't seem to get it working. the fluidapp changelog specifically states that…
shoma nishikawa
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1 answer

How to create a desktop app version of a website using NW.js?

I've been using Fluid App (OS X) in the past to create standalone desktop apps of specific web apps I want separated from the browser, have their own dock icon, and not have any of the regular browser fluff (toolbar, address bar, etc.). Fluid app,…
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7 answers

How can I refine this Javascript code to refine it so it only work on links from images (and NOT links from text)

I want to make some refinement to some code from a previous question: // the new base url var base = ''; var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(var i = 0;i < links.length;i++){ …
1 answer

Using Javascript to click on a given button AND have it open in a new window

When this page loads, I want to simulate automatically clicking the send me this thing button whilst having it open in a new window (or new tab) There will only ever be one send me this thing button on any page like that What for? This is for…
1 answer
1 answer

how to use proxy in mac gui app

I am using macOS. And I want to make my mac UI app like iTunes and other apps to use proxy network that like Shadowsocks server. I know the proxychains using in the command line. But how to use it by mac GUI app?