Questions tagged [flite]

The flite tag refers to the speech synthesizer from Carnegie Mellon University

CMU Flite (festival-lite) is a small, fast run-time open source text to speech synthesis engine developed at CMU and primarily designed for small embedded machines and/or large servers. Flite is designed as an alternative text to speech synthesis engine to Festival for voices built using the FestVox suite of voice building tools. (source:

32 questions
14 answers

High-Quality Text-To-Speech engine for personal use

I'm looking for a high-quality TTS engine that I can afford (let's say less than 1000$). So far, I've tried flite and festival with default voices. However, while the results are certainly understandable, technical texts are hard to…
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3 answers

Getting flite to output audio with PortAudio

I am trying to get the flite speech synthesis library to work on my Mac, but my sound architecture isn't supported within the flite library. To fix that problem, I am using PortAudio to playback the synthesized audio; so I had to do a little bit of…
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1 answer

Text to speech: highlighting word by word for iphone

I am doing text to speech on a UITextView by using flite-1.4-iphone. While reading the text, I want to automatically highlight the text word by word. How can I synchronize the voice to the text highlighting while reading? How can I highlight the…
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Extending android TTS engine

Adding a new language to the existing TTS engine in android, May I modify the existing engine without starting from scratch? since the speech synthesis framework is somewhat done, maybe I can implement a TTS for my language according to that instead…
new coder
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3 answers

Error installing flite on Mac OSX

I have downloaded the latest source distribution of flite, and went about the usual process of installing it. $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install However, I run into a strange error when I try to install the library to my system. $ sudo make…
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0 answers

How to install flite for epitran on Windows

I'm trying to use python's package epitran on windows which returns the IPA representation of words. For english, as the website says, I need to install flite from here…
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Flite text-to-speech program with MSVC - Unresolved external symbols

I'm trying to use MSVC to compile a C program with the Flite text-to-speech library, but I'm getting unresolved external symbol errors. I started with the "C Example" from the Flite docs but they use gcc. I was able to get rid of some errors by…
1 answer

How Do I use CMU Flite TTS engine in my application?

I am developing an android application for text to speech in Indian languages and for that CMU Flite provides indic language voice databases. But I don't know how to use this plug in in my application. Please help me. In which way I can use Flite…
Riya Patel
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0 answers

Development of TTs System using Flite

I am developing android application for illiterate people. One of the feature of this application is to read the text that application produces. So I am in need of the Text To Speech System. I found some of the Frameworks that suits me theoritically…
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1 answer

Convert festival tts to flite tts

i currently have a tts which is built using festival and festvox. i need to convert these voices and build a TTS in flite. apparently you can do the conversion using festvox (the festvox and flite websites say so but no proper steps on how to do…
new coder
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2 answers

Monotouch mtouch arguments problems

Having trouble getting these two arguments to play nice when compiling a project. Any help would be much appreciated. -gcc_flags "-L${ProjectDir} -lflite -all_load" -nosymbolstrip -nostrip -cxx -gcc_flags " -lgcc_eh -L${ProjectDir} -ltestflight…
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1 answer

Flite API error on windows

I build flite for windows, the code is: #include "..\\include\\flite.h" cst_voice *register_cmu_us_kal(); int main(int argc, char **argv) { cst_voice *v; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: flite_test FILE\n"); …
1 answer

Service connection leaked with a custom TTS engine

I am using CMU Flite TTS engine for my android application. I have initialized android TTS object using engine name and also calle its shupdown method in onDestroy but still I'm getting Service connection leaked error. 03-29 15:15:37.286…
Riya Patel
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0 answers

Flite doesn't produce speech without creating a .WAV file?

I am trying to run flite TTS for a project, and I encountering an issue where there's no output sound when I run this command. flite -t hello But, when I run this command, it creates a .wav file and I can play it. flite -t hello -o hello.wav I…
Shamveel Ahammed
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2 answers

FliteController within a loop

So I have this loop: for (int i =0; i< ([rounds_words count]-1); i++){ [self.fliteController say:[rounds_words objectAtIndex:(i)] withVoice:self.slt]; } Where array_o_words is an array of strings that I would like to use OpenEars' TtS engine…
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