Questions tagged [flex-mobile]

Questions concerning the mobile classes created in Flex version 4.5 and higher.

Examples of Flex Mobile component classes:

  • ViewNavigatorApplication
  • ActionBar
  • IconItemRenderer
252 questions
2 answers

AIR 3 Native Extensions for Android - Can I/How to include 3rd party libraries?

With all the new hype surrounding native extension support in AIR 3, I haven't found a single thing that confirms or denies it is possible to include and use an external JAR inside the native Android implementation. All of the examples basically…
4 answers

Raw data to JPEG format - JAVA

I tried to convert raw data ByteArray to JPEG format using JPEGEncoder but its too slow in mobile (I've tested it on mobile). How can I do the same thing in java? I will send raw data byte to java and encode it to JPEG with java - I tried some of…
Zaur Guliyev
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2 answers

AutoSizing Flex Mobile spark textarea component

I want to make my mobile spark textarea component to wrap all content. I found out mx_internal way of doing this but I'm not able to call mx_internal::getTextField().numLines method - there's no such... Anybody who has done this before?
Zaur Guliyev
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3 answers

Adobe ANE works on iOS and Android devices, but not in AIR simulator

The vibration ane by Adobe works well in a Flex mobile app both on iOS and Android, but when I try to launch an AIR simulator from Flash Builder 4.7 on Windows 7 I get the error: Here a copy of the error message from the latter screenshot: Process…
Alexander Farber
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2 answers

Flex mobile AIR app: can not see the content at the bottom

In Flash Builder 4.6 I've created a Flex Mobile AIR Project. Why is there neither the 2 buttons nor a scroll bar to see? And why can't I swipe down to see more text and the 2 buttons? Here is my complete and simple source code - The "home view" -…
Alexander Farber
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1 answer

How to play a zipped wave file in Flash Mobile

I am working on a project in Flash Mobile using ActionScript. I have a zipped wav file that I need to be able to de serialize and play as needed in a Button Press action. Below is the code for zipping the wav file. …
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3 answers

Flex Mobile Project vs. Action script Mobile Project

I am new to development and would like to develop an android application. I have previously built an application with Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 with Flex Mobile Project. I just recently noticed in 4.7 there is an option for Action Script Mobile…
Ryan Watts
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0 answers

Flex Mobile, how to restart an Android Application?

I'm looking for a way to restart my mobile application, I googled, but I didn't found it. I hope you can help me.. Thanks in advance..
1 answer

How to display the Soft Keyboard in Air Debug Launcher (ADL)

I've searched Google for about 1,5h now and i can't find a good answer. Is it possible to display the Soft Keyboard when debugging using ADL? If i use the existing properties I still don't see it. I want to check if my layout looks well when the…
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4 answers

Flex Mobile AIR Native Extension errors

I'm currently working on creating an Android ANE for native alert popups. I'm now at the point where I think my both my Java and AS3 code is good to go but I'm getting an error when I try to use it. Main Thread (Suspended: TypeError: Error #1009:…
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2 answers

How to set label's text vertical alignement to center in a mobile flex project?

The project is mobile flex. I placed a label and a textinput inside a vgroup container :
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0 answers

Develop flex Mobile Application using flash builder and Run/debug it On android virtual Emulator

I want to connect/integrate my flex mobile project with android virtual device from avd manager. So when i run or debug my flex mobile project, it should run/debug on the virtual device rather then as a mobile application. Please note that i don't…
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1 answer

Styling ButtonBar font in Flex mobile app - with screenshot attached

I'm trying to add a ButtonBar at the bottom of a mobile Flex app by using this code: CSS: @namespace s "library://"; s|ActionBar, s|ButtonBar { chromeColor: #0066CC; color: #FFFFFF; titleAlign:…
Alexander Farber
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2 answers

Clear AIR Mobile application data in IntelliJ

I'm developing a mobile AIR application using IntelliJ. When debugging in Flash Builder there is an option to clear to application data on each (debug) launch of the ADL (see screenshot below) However, I can't find this setting in IntelliJ or some…
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1 answer

Upload Library or captured images on iOS with Flex Mobile 4.6

Does anyone have any experience with the Camera APIs in Flex 4.6 with iOS? I'm running into a lot of setup issues and the documentation is lacking. I'm trying to setup an image upload component where a user can either capture a new photo or choose…
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