Questions tagged [flashcatalyst]

Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5 is an IDE based on Eclipse that enables to transform Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Fireworks artwork into MXML code.

27 questions
2 answers

How to create a button in flash catalyst with irregular edges

I am using Photoshop, Flash Catalyst and Flash Builder together to develop a flash application. The artwork is provided in an Photoshop file with one image in each layer. Each of these images are irregular and must be converted into buttons. The…
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How does flex know where to look for .swz files?

I don't do flash myself: in this company, flash is generally used just for design elements, so the designers build the flash and my job is just getting it onto the site. All fine so far, but now one of the designers wants to move to using Flash…
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Design tools for creating skins for Flex 4 components

I'm looking for a tool to create just the skins for different kinds of Flex 4 components. Are there any? I'd like to be able to create the components myself and have the designer/artist do the skin, but I don't think they'd like the idea of doing…
Olli Aalto
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Flex 4.5 , How to create generic skinning library and dynamically change the theme of my AIR application?

I'm working on enterprise level AIR application, i need to change my application UI for multiple clients,it has a complex UI with more that 250 MXML skin files for all display objects such as buttons, combo box, containers, etc., Is it possible to…
Gowtham S
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3 answers

Swf is taking too much time to load, how do I make it faster?

I developed a project in flex and catalyst and the size of swf is too much, sometimes its take too much time to load. Product is already ready, so i cant change in code too much. Please help me to solve this issue. one more thing sometimes its load…
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Flash catalyst and Flash Builder round tripping for complex applications

Can anyone give me some tips for round tripping between flash catalyst and flash builder for complex applications that uses components not supported in flash catalyst? Let's say I have built my design in flash catalyst and have implemented…
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adding functionality to nested components

O.K. Here's the situation... I have a custom mxml component that contains a couple of images and 4 buttons. The component file already contains a clickHandler for each of the buttons. I need to be able to either access the clickHandler or create…
2 answers

Selecting regions of an image in a jQuery wizard

I'm creating a wizard (really, a glorified survey) using jQuery Wizard Redux. I have several images (created in Illustrator) which I want the user to select from, which would act as their "submission" for each step of the wizard. e.g. this world map…
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Wamp server has deleted my Service Package

I just when to continue with my web site in Flash builder and there was an error. When I looked into it my Service folder which held my PHP script is missing and unfortunately I hadn't backed up for some months. Has anyone had this issue and is…
0 answers

the item is not Flash Catalyst Compatiable To edit this item use Flash Builder

OK sorry for the easy question but I think I'm going the long way round and was just wondered if some one has an easier solution. I created my web site in Flash Catalyst and then imported it in to Flash Builder and now have been working on this site…
0 answers

Flex Library Project Asset Organization

From Catalyst I imported a Flex Library Project which is a DataList Component. In the ItemRenderer of the DataList I use images. The icon Folder is inside of the FXPL, when I go to Design Mode I have the Icons so in general, the path is…
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1 answer

Flash Builder 4.5 target player

I am importing a Catalyst project into FB 4.5 and keep getting the same error over and over. Here's the error I am getting: Description Resource Path Location Type The target Flash Player version specified should be equal or…
2 answers

How to export a Flash Catalyst Component into a swc file

I want to exported designed components from Flash Catalyst to IDEA. Because FXPL is a specific adobe format, i need it in a little bit more generic format like an swc. So how is the best way to get my component into an swc ? I found a lot of…
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How to realize a gantt chart with Adobe Catalyst

I am not quite shure that its possible or even ment to be done with Catalyst, thats why I am asking if its possible. And when its possible how I got a Illustrator File containing all Elements of a Gantt Chart like TaskItems, Milestones a Top bar…
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2 answers

Can I extend slider thumb beyond the track

Programming newbie here, I am writing a trombone app in Flex and I want the slide of the trombone to act as an HSlider. I have all the components and skins assigned, but my slider only moves about 20 pixels in the wrong direction. I figured that…