Questions tagged [flashbuilder4]

FlashBuilder 4 stands for the version 4 of Adobe Flash Builder - an IDE based on Eclipse used for building Flex/Flash applications.

109 questions
1 answer

Removing the bottom bar from a window + AIR App

Hey there- I need to remove a bottom bar from my FlashBuilder4 AIR App on a MAC. I've set the config.xml file to this: none true While this removes the window bgcolor, top bar and border, I…
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flash builder 4 - java.lang.NullPointerException error when pressed CTL+Space (for defining skinClass)

For some reason, I have started getting this weird issue when ever I try to define skinClass for my custom component. Error message: Problem Occured: "Content Assist" could not complete normally. Please see the log for more information. And the log…
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Spark form not showing up in flashbuilder 4

I am going through the flex in a week training and I'm trying to use the Spark form in Flashbuilder 4, but it does not appear in the components windows. When I drag a form from there it is an mx form control. The project is set to use the 4.5 sdk…
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Flash Builder debugger silently calls getters to update Variables View - is this a flaw?

I've been using Flex/Flash Builder for a couple of years now, and have only discovered something today. I was looking at some complex code which worked fine, but I needed to know how it behaved, so I placed a breakpoint in it and low and behold it…
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5 answers

How do I pass data between ViewNavigators in Flash Builder 4.5 Burrito

I'm giving it a try and it happens that I'm having a hard time figuring out how to pass data between ViewNavigator in a TabbedMobileApplication.
Bruno Santos
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How can I set the output filename in Flash Builder 4?

Possible Duplicate: Output filename in Flash Builder Is there a way to set the filename for the exported swf file in Flash Builder 4 other than renaming the main mxml file? Compiler parameter -output is not accepted as I use Flash Builder to…
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5 answers

Flash Builder 4.5 the import could not be found

I just upgraded from Flash Builder 4 to 4.5 and have imported one of my FB 4 projects. I am now seeing an orange question mark in the gutter next to all of my import statements that are importing local classes (as well as everywhere the said class…
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4 answers

Prompting INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK while debugging Flash Builder 4 mobile app on real device

I am trying to build a demo application to test how can i debug or launch my android application on real device. I have Froyo Android, OSX laptop and Flash Builder 4 IDE. I build a very simple application, please have a look on image below: in…
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How to consume a REST web service with Flashbuilder 4?

I am creating a Restful WCF web service which will need to be consumed by FlashBuilder 4. Is this possible? If so, how can I go about doing that? Thanks
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How to create an AIR application in Flash Builder 4 without mxml

I am an actionscript developer and I know nothing when it comes to mxml. recently switched to using flash builder and I really like it but I want to create an AIR application in flash builder but I don't want to use mxml since I don't need any of…
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Get Camera resolution in Flex Builder

I am developing an application using Flex Builder and i am a newbie to it... My task is to develop an application using flex builder having two cameras 1 for video chat and one for capturing images and send it to the friend with whom you are…
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Create new window in Air Application

how to create new window(same application duplicate) in Air Project. Any one Help thanks.
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Flash Builder as AS3 Editor for Flash IDE Question

I have been using Flash Builder 4.5.1 as as Editor for my Flash IDE projects. This works great, mostly. I love that I can compile into the Flash IDE from Flash Builder. However, it is very annoying that every time I save anything in a class file,…
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3 answers

the flash adobe debugger version

please, i was previously able to debug my application in flash builder. but then, i upgraded to flash builder 4.5 and changed my sdk from 4.1 to 4.5 and flash player 10.0 to 10.2. that was when the problem started. i realised, the current flash…
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1 answer

AIR HTML Control Issue (it's not opening links that have attribute target = "_blank")

I've developed Adobe AIR application, which opens cpanel of websites in HTML control. I realized that HTML control open links which opens in same window, however it don't opens the links that opens in new window i.e links which has attribute…
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