Questions tagged [flash-cs5.5]

115 questions
1 answer

Accessing child/nested movie clips with JSFL AS3 CS5.5

How can I access a movie clip's children (specifically child movie clips) in jsfl? I am already at the instance level from flash.documents[0].timelines[0].layers[0].frames[0].elements[0].instance I've found this documentation but not much…
Brian Wheat
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2 answers

actionscript3 whats the point of addFrameScript

I want to ask about addFrameScript. addFrameScript(0, frame1); what is this script means? why its 0? is it possible to replace 0 with other number or word? public function try() { addFrameScript(0, frame1); return; }// end function If…
Intan Mega
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2 answers

Running AS3 Function Asynchronously

I'm having a bit of trouble making sense of some of the tutorials for this online, thus why I'm asking here. (Using ActionScript 3, Adobe AIR, and Flash Professional CS5.5) I have a very heavy function in my AS3 document class that I need to run…
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Flash cs6 and Flash Builder, workflow

I wish I could pose more specific questions on this topic, but what I'm really looking for is a bird's eye view - a blog post, something from Adobe, documentation or even a book that outlines an approach, because I've had a tough time finding…
Richard Lovejoy
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Flash input text field only accepts characters already used somewhere on the stage. What's happening?

On the stage I have an input field (classic text, input text) with **no filters** and **no restrictions** and yet, when I try to type something in it, I can only use characters that are already on the stage somwhere else. For example, I have a few…
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A compiler error that makes me be confused in ActionScript

Firstly, something I want to explain is I am not familiar with ActionScript, so don't blame me a lot for some basic mistakes. I have just learned it for a short time only. Thus, a few tips of scripting ActionScript is always appreciated. :) I don't…
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2 answers

Application failed codesign verification, iPhone

I have made an app for the iPhone using flash CS 5.5, tested it on a device (it works fine on there) and I'm member of the development programme. I'm attempting to upload the app to the store after filling in all the information on iTunes connect.…
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1 answer

Setting reminders in iPhone and android using AS3

I need to set a popup reminder in iphone and android app, whether the app is active or not. How can this be done using as3 and flash cs5.5?
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4 answers

Flash FLA file size becoming huge for no good reason

Q1: What is the reason for the enormass bloating of FLA file size, when many edits and saves are made to a FLA file, yet assets are not being added to the library? Q2: What is the best technique to keep FLA files smaller in size? (with the problem…
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0 answers

Migrating from Flash CS5 to CS5.5, now having a strange Error

I migrated from CS5 to CS5.5 (on SnowLeopard). I wanted to make some changes on a small project (really simple), but even when I try to test the file without changes I get the following error: VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of…
2 answers

prevent next scene frame on movieclip mouseclick

I have a scene with a few objects as movieclips which can be clicked one at a time. What happens is that I'm able to click every object and on click the scene switches to the next frame. How do I change that? Basically I have a key and a door, both…
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AS3 "import packages" not working - drag and drop game in captivate

I'm trying to put an AS3 "drag and drop" game onto a slide in captivate 6. The standalone swf works fine but as soon as it is imported onto a slide in captivate and you publish it, captivate re-wraps all its content into another swf thus losing the…
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2 answers

Convert as2 to as3

I found a script for searching and selecting a specific text from a dynamic text box But the problem is it is AS2 I started Flash by only studying AS3 so i have no idea on how to convert AS2 to AS3 Pls someone help me :) finder.onRelease =…
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Make Objects behave like Radio Buttons in AS3

I would like to implement a very simple way to store a variable containing the last specific "CustomObject" I clicked. I'd like clicks on other objects to be ignored. Take the following sample code for example, given CustomObject extends…
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1 answer

TLFTextfield broken after upgrading from CS5 to CS5.5

For my project I am using the following: FlashDevelop 3.3.4 RTM Flash Pro CS 5 (libraries only, no code) Some time ago we started using TLFTextfields. One of the things I had to do was include the tlfruntime.swc file from the Adobe Flash CS 5…
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