Questions tagged [fiware-sth-comet]

fiware-sth-comet refers to the Short Time Historic (STH, aka. Comet) component, a FIWARE component able to manage (storing and retrieving) historical context information as raw and aggregated time series data.

The FIWARE Short Time Historic (STH) - Comet is a component of the FIWARE ecosystem in charge of managing (storing and retrieving) historical raw and aggregated time series context information about the evolution in time of context data (i.e., entity attribute values) registered in an Orion Context Broker instance.

All the communications between the STH and the Orion Context Broker as well as between the STH and any third party (typically for data retrieval) use standardized NGSI9 and NGSI10 interfaces.

If this is your first contact with the STH component, it is highly recommended that you visit the “Getting started” guide ( where we introduce some basic concepts upon which the STH component leans on all the functionality it offers.

In case you are curious about why we called this component Comet, you can also visit the “Why Comet” ( section of the documentation.

24 questions
1 answer

Fiware - Orion Context Broker subscription not sent to STH, "conditions was supposed to be an array"

When trying to use STH to be able to store and retrieve data sent to OCB, I have a problem making the subscription. My problem is that the subscription creation goes well. When I create the subscription as following: POST /v1/contextSubscriptions…
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STH Comet - raw insert in mongo database

I want to insert a set of historical data in the MongoDB, and expose it with STH Comet API. I can insert it in the mongoDb, with the correct recvTime. It is unclear if this is allowed. Can I insert data in the raw mongo collection? How will this…
2 answers

About the version of each component in release 7.5 of FIWARE

Currently I am going to verify FIWARE. Release 7.5 was announced, but there are components whose version is lower in the core component. cygnus Release7.4 : version2.0.0 Release7.5 : version1.9.0 sth-comet Release7.4 :…
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How to fetch data from Fiware Cygnus?

I have setup Cygnus with MySQL agent and now data is storing into MySQL server. As a next step, we need to show reports of historical data (Saved in Cygnus_MySQL) in GUI. It may be based upon some filters like data for today, last week/month, area…
Krishan Babbar
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1 answer

Error get empty value when retriving data from sth-comet

First i register service using this script curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Fiware-Service: cairoUniversity" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: /FCI/ICDL" \ http://X.X.X.X:4041/iot/services -d '{ "services": [ { "apikey": …
ahmad emad
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1 answer

Fiware Cygnus - Error: collection already exists when Cygnus receives notifications two or more times

I am using Fiware Cygnus configured with STH. When Cygnus receives two or more notifications of changes in any entity it can't send the new value to STH. It logs the error collection already exists and the change is not saved. In the first…
1 answer

Fiware STH: row data API not exposing metadata

I am using Cygnus with Mongo and sth sink to retrieve historical data. In the current implementation of cygnus mongo sink the attribute metadata is not stored in the data base. So I updated cygnus to be able to store the attribute metadata. But when…
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Error when connecting Cygnus and STH

I am trying to connect Cygnus and STH. I have a Cygnus instance in a container docker and a STH instance in a VM. When I send a notification to Cygnus, available at fiware-cygnus/cygnus-ngsi/resources/ngsi-examples/ it…
1 answer

FIWARE - Orion and STH duplicated notifications

I have a scenario where two or more subscriptions were made to some entity (with the same notification url). In this case, I have many of the same subscriptions. When the attributes related to subscriptions conditions are updated, I have as many…
1 answer

Problem when querying Raw Data with STH-Comet - Returns empty

I have Orion, Cygnus and STH-Comet(installed and configured in formal mode). Each component is in a container docker. I implemented the infrastructure with docker-compose.yml. The Cygnus container is configured as follows: image:…
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1 answer

How to insert historical data into fiware (with correct dates)?

I have a bunch of historical data (csv) which I want to make accessible through sth-comet. The data is the history of water levels from multiple revers. The data is not provided live, but more or less on a daily basis and contains all the historic…
Christoph S
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How to fix erro while running sth-comet?

I am trying to install and configure STH-Comet, but I am having difficulties and I could not solve it. I'm following the existing tutorial. And some errors occur in the process. I would like your help if possible. After cloning the repository and…
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1 answer

Can a context consumer retrieve history values for an entity through Orion?

I am new with Fiware technologies and I have read many documents regarding Orion Context Broker but is not clear for me if a context consumer can request from Orion Context Broker history values about an entity. I mean that if the context consumer…
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1 answer

How to use Wirecloud sth-source operator

I have found a STH-Comet wirecloud operator( Now how can i use this operator in my mashup and which operator/widget i have to use to provide it data.Also, in which widget i can use sth-comet…
0 answers

Fiware Orion subscription to STH in NGSI V2 with legacy values

Im working with sth, with ngsi v1 i dont have any problems. When i try to use it with ngsi v2 ( trough legacy values) im having several problems. Im creating a subscription in v2 in this way: POST /v2/subscriptions HTTP/1.1 Host:…
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