Questions tagged [fiware-cygnus]

fiware-cygnus tag refers to the Cygnus connector implementation (FIWARE platform), allowing for Orion context data persistence in an historical way in several different storages such as HDFS, MySQL or CKAN

Cygnus is a data connector within FIWARE platform allowing for Orion context data persistence in an historical way in several different storages such as HDFS, MySQL or CKAN. Cygnus characteristics are:

  • It is based in Apache Flume, expanding the core elements with custom sinks, http handlers, channel selectors and interceptors among others.
  • Smart destination (HDFS file, MySQL table or CKAN resource) extraction based on data properties.
  • Automatic Hive tables creation when using HDFS sinks.
  • Support for multiple persistence models (json-row, json-column, ...)

Home Page: (within the Orion Context Broker catalogue entry)

GitHub Page:

269 questions
1 answer

Cygnus not presisting data on MySql database

So i have read all the documentation and followed the tutorial on MySQL persistence but i can't still presist any kind of data on MySQL database. Even though i'm puting the presistence mode = row it doesn't create any database nor table. What am i…
Diogo Nunes
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1 answer

cygnus saving on mysql? I try this

How to configure Cygnus to save data on SQL database? After installing Orion and Cosmos, I try to configure cygnus and save data on mysql database. Is it possible?
1 answer

ERROR 503: Service not available at persist HDFS

I have an Orion instance with Cygnus at filab; subcription and notify run fine but I can not persist data to Cygnus returns this error: [ERROR -…
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Store in Cosmos data coming from Orion to Cygnus

I have one doubt about how to persist data in an architecture where Cygnus is subscribed to Orion Context Broker and then Cygnus must persist data in Cosmos. Is it necessary to implement a custom WebHDFS client for persisting the data from Cygnus to…
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How do I change the default behaviour to store the information for each entity in a different table

I want to configure Orion and Cygnus to store all data in a single table. I know that I should configure the names of databe and table based in HTTP headers like…
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How to store data in MySql using cygnus?

I have read all the documentation about how cygnus works, I specifically tested this one successfully. I also finished reading this tutorial, but I am sure I haven't configured something correctly. in cygnus_instance_1.conf I…
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Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

I have an Orion context broker and i use cygnus(0.6) to send data to my cosmos account. Cygnus creates correctly the txt file with the data on my cosmos, but it does not create the tables for hive. I would query my data through an hive client. Is…
1 answer

Cosmos HttpFS file format

Actually, I'm sending data to Cosmos via Cygnus. The Cosmos directory where Cygnus put the data is, for example, /user/myUser/mysetdata. I've created my hive table with this columns: recvTimeTs, recvTime, entityId, entityType, attrName, attrType,…
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1 answer

Send Orion Context Broker 0.13.0 entities to Cosmos using Cygnus

I'm using Cygnus to send data to cosmos. When there's a entity subscription to the context broker, in the JSON message you have to specify the event or trigger when the attribute of the entity have to be updated or sent to Cygnus. In the Cygnus…
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1 answer

Does FIWARE Cygnus have any issue with space usage?

I'm using some FIWARE components (Orion 2.4.0-bext and Cygnus 2.3.0). Also I'm using mongoDB (version 3.6) for current context information and MySQL (version 5.7) for saving historical changes using Cygnus. All component are dockerized, each one on…
1 answer

Cygnus-ngsi installed with Docker-compose does not save data in MongoDB

I have Orion, MongoDB and Cygnus-ngsi installed with docker-compose on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine. The images I used were: fiware/orion:latest, fiware/cygnus-ngsi:latest and mongo:3.6. They were installed with the command: docker-compose -f…
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1 answer

Store Orion data via Cygnus

I'm using Orion (2.2.0) and Cygnus (1.9.0) to store data in MySQL. It worked using attrsFormat: 'legacy' in the subscription payload. My question is this: could I install the new version of Cygnus to without usage of attrsFormat = legacy? Thanks a…
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1 answer

Cannot start Cygnus with 2 instances as a service

I have configured 2 cygnus intances with their agents but when I start cygnus as a service I get the following error: sudo service cygnus start Starting cygnus (via systemctl): Job for cygnus.service failed because the control process exited with…
0 answers

How to match column between HDFS File(save through cygnus) to Hive table?

I want save some data in hive through fiware-cygnus, I set the conf file, cygnus-ngsi.sources = http-source cygnus-ngsi.sinks = hdfs-sink cygnus-ngsi.channels = hdfs-channel cygnus-ngsi.sources.http-source.channels =…
Jongho Lee
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2 answers

About the version of each component in release 7.5 of FIWARE

Currently I am going to verify FIWARE. Release 7.5 was announced, but there are components whose version is lower in the core component. cygnus Release7.4 : version2.0.0 Release7.5 : version1.9.0 sth-comet Release7.4 :…
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