Questions tagged [file-comparison]

File comparison is the act of comparing one file's properties with another's.

Use this tag for questions related to comparing the size, content, etc. of two or more files.

146 questions
1 answer

Is there a way to show the exact place where two files differ using FC command? or any other good way to compare 2 files in windows?

I'm comparing two files with the command: FC /W file1.txt file2.txt > log.txt And I'm getting 4000 lines of differences... But when it shows the difference, it just paste 3~5 lines from each file and I sorta have to compare them myself to find…
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2 answers

Is there a way to compare two .exes to see what differs between them?

Is there a tool / process by which I can decompile two .exes (one of which runs on a handheld device, the other which doesn't) so that I can get a glimpse into what differs/what the problem may be? Of course, seeing that one has "00xA" where the…
1 answer

Why is filecmp.cmp slow for huge files even when its 'shallow' parameter is True?

I wrote a Python script to compare files in two directories, using filecmp.cmp. It works, but just now I tried running it for a collection of huge files. It was very slow. The documentation says that when the shallow parameter is true (which it is,…
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1 answer

Compare files within folders between local computer and remote server

I have one folder on my computer and one folder on a remote server, I transferred a large number of files but for some reason I have now 2 more files in my own folder than on the server so I would like to check which ones these are instead of going…
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3 answers

Comparing two text files and subtracting respective values

I have 2 text files default.txt and current.txt. default.txt: ab_abcdefghi_EnInP005M3TSub.csv FMR: 0.0009 FNMR: 0.023809524 SCORE: -4 Conformity: True ab_abcdefghi_EnInP025M3TSub.csv FMR: 0.0039 FNMR: 0 SCORE: -14 Conformity:…
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2 answers

DOS batch program for file comparison

I have two text files , file1 and file2. I want to identify which lines in file2 are not there in file1. How can I do this using a DOS batch file?
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1 answer

Batch file check if file overwrote properly

I need to save a file by copying it to a .bak in a batch file. I then need to check if my file overwrote properly the existing .bak. Simply comparing the files could not be working, as it is possible for the user to save it twice in a row with no…
Guillaume Chevalier
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3 answers

Comparing two files in batch script

i am trying to compare two files in the manner, each line of file 1 will be compared with every line of file 2 and if no match is found, write that line to a seperate file. Below is the code i wrote but it is not working as expected, @echo on cd…
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2 answers

Comparing files in two folders using batch script

I have to compare the file in two folders which have file names like folderA: [a.f90, b.f90, ...] folderB: [a_recoded.f90, b_recoded.f90, ...] I wish to compare a.f90 in folderA with a_recoded.f90 in folderB. what is used is: @echo off set…
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1 answer

Comparing two uploaded files

i want to compare two uploaded files and display the strings that are same in the two files inform of percentage but i dont know how to handle it. Any help is highly appreciated. below is my upload form.

Choose files to be compared

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3 answers

Ant task to compare two properties files

Does anyone know of an Ant task that would compare two (Java) properties files? I could not find any but I would like to be sure before I go off and implement it. Input: two properties files Output: list of property keys that are in one file but…
Neeme Praks
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1 answer

file comparison with memory consideration

I want to compare two files, one is in file system and the other is being downloaded from a HTTP URL. We have tried to compare by byte[] arrays (we used HTTPRequestBuilder by Apache), but the concern is that the files may be too large and they may…
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1 answer

Cross-platform network binary file comparison in C?

Is there an existing library or codebase that is cross platform (Windows/Linux/OSX or a segment thereof) that would allow me to quickly compare the differences between two files over a network? Basically, trying to recreate a basic version of…
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1 answer

Extending SVN to handle files within ZIP or other file types

I've been editing some nuget packages that are under SVN for the past few months now. Is there a way to extend SVN so that when you try to compare changes from one file version to the other, it handles files within zip files? Nuget packages are…
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4 answers

Comparing some data of a file with another file in python

I do have a file f1 which Contains some text lets say "All is well". In Another file f2 I have maybe 100 lines and one of them is "All is well". Now I want to see if file f2 contains content of file f1. I will appreciate if someone comes with a…
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