Questions tagged [file-comparison]

File comparison is the act of comparing one file's properties with another's.

Use this tag for questions related to comparing the size, content, etc. of two or more files.

146 questions
1 answer

In Visual Studio 2010 Folder Difference window, when I right click on file the "Reconcile" menu is disabled

I'm trying to compare 2 local folders. In source control explorer I right click folder, click "Compare" menu and select the target folder. The Folder Difference folder is displayed. I right click the file where the difference is found but the…
4 answers

Matching array columns in python

I have two files with the following contents below.My question is ,in the below shown code if id matches in file1 and file2 then how to match the second column in file1 and the corresponding second column in file2 till n columns.. def…
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Java FileUtils copy backup directory

i'm using FileUtils of Commons.IO and i'm trying to create a backup script, the simple rules is to copy from source to dest directory all files (and subdirs) that don't exist in dest or if source has a lastmodified date newer than other. I can not…
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How to Fill the 'this' Context in Compressor Library in Android Studio

I am trying to write a code to compress an image using Compressor library: and use this line to do the compression: compressedImageFile = new Compressor(this).compressToFile(actualImageFile); However, when…
1 answer

Is the file read or remembered?

If I am copying a file and then comparing it back: import shutil, filecmp # dummy file names, they're not important InFile = "d:\\Some\\Path\\File.ext" CopyFile = "d:\\Some\\other\\Path\\File_Copy.ext" # copy the…
Michael Stimson
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1 answer

Utility to compare two directories and give report & detect/delete duplicates

Utility to compare two directories & give total number of files it should show the duplicates and an option to delete those duplicates. I want to write a Java Utility that compare two directory and gives a report of the following the total number…
2 answers

How to compare two big unsorted CSV files using Spring Batch?

I have a task of comparing two big csv files and write out the comparison result to a new file. File 1 has 200k rows and file 2 could also have 200K or less than that. Both have 200 columns. The files are not sorted and can be in any order. I am…
2 answers

Comparing contents of txt files in Python

I am trying to write a program that will open files, read the contents and compare them to other files opened. I need to show if they are Not close enough alike, Similar, or exact copies of each other. I am trying to use the filecmp module, but it's…
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2 answers

compare two files and get the positions in third file in linux

I need help with comparison of two files and get the positions in third file, both files will have the same fields but the order will be unsorted in 2nd file, third file will give the line number where the data is found. eg.…
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3 answers

What is the best way to compare 2 large files based off of the first token in each line?

I have 2 large files (each about 500k lines or 85mb) containing the checksum of the file and the filepath itself. What is the best way to get the differences between the files based on the checksum? I can write a Java program, script, etc. but the…
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1 answer

C#: Large File Compression

we have large files with the size ranging from 800 MB to 900 MB. Currently i am using SharpZipLib Library which takes more time to compress and has very less compression ratio. Please Suggest me some of the libraries which will support high…
sampat nayak
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