Questions tagged [feign]

Feign is a java to http client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Feign's first goal was reducing the complexity of binding Denominator uniformly to http apis regardless of restfulness.

493 questions
1 answer

Working with Spring FeignClient with fallback behavior

I got a problem to solve with Spring FeignClient. I have two endpoints to send an SMS, both are the same behavior: When I send a GET with all query parameters required, the service sends the SMS. But I need to check if endpoint A is off – in which…
2 answers

FeignClient name placeholder

I Have a FeignClient interface with a name that I want to load from my application.yml file so I did this : @FeignClient(name = "${edgeServer}", configuration = BeansConfiguration.class) And in my yml file : edgeServer: edge-server But I get an…
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Spring-cloud feign file upload

I am trying to upload a file with feign client in spring-boot application. I want to set encoder with the following condition: if (bodyType.equals(MultipartFile.class)){ // run multi-part logic } else { // Delegate to default encoder. } I am…
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Feign Client prepends HTTP

I use Spring Cloud in my microservice project with Eureka and Zuul. I want to communicate between my microservices using a Feign client. Say i have a microservice Microservice1 and Microservice2. In addition, i have the Eureka microservice and the…
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Fallback method is not being called when rest call is failed by using feign client

I am trying to implement fallback by using Feign client but not getting success.Its a simplest code Please find below. Main Class @SpringBootApplication @EnableDiscoveryClient @RestController @EnableFeignClients public class EurekaClient1Application…
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Feign Client ignoring request params

I created Feign Client: @FeignClient(name = "yandex",url="${yandex.ribbon.listOfServers}") public interface YandexMapsRestApiServiceClient { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{geoParam}") String …
1 answer

Inject custom feign client into Spring Application

I am currently trying to get a grip of both Spring and Feign. Cutting straight to the point: I am struggling to modify @FeignClient in this project: Feign Hello World by Walery so as to instead of WikidataClient @FeignClient(url =…
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Feign with zookeeper succeeds with normal app but fails with JUnit

I use the zookeeper as the service register, and that's my problem: when I run it directly as a spring boot application it succeeds, instead when I use the junit to test it, it fails. The pom dependencies as as below:
1 answer

Spring service return content empty when using feign client

Created an ui application to test my services. UI has relation with FooServiceUI. FooServiceUI sending request to BarServiceAccessor ( has implementation as interface at fooserviceui) with using feign client. But feign client returns response like…
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How to add URL parameter as JSON using Feign framework?

I've made a rest client, using the feign framework, as follows: @Headers({"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}) public interface CampaignTrigger { @RequestLine("POST /event?actid={actid}&key={key}&event={event}&visit={visit}") …
1 answer

Struggling to get SpringCloud Feign to work with external services

Using Feign to access services that I register on Eureka is a breeze. I am trying to use Feign to access external services and struggling with the basics. I am playing with a service on Bluemix however to simplify the problem at hand, I am using a…
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How to use matrixvariable in FeignClient api class?

I have one FeignClient class and I want to use MatrixVariable to pass parameters like below @FeignClient(value = "apiService", url = "${api.url}", configuration =ApiServiceConfiguration.class) public interface ApiServiceFeign { …
NIrav Modi
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Changing certificate on each outgoing call with Feign

I have a case were I need to have different certificates for each outgoing call I make with Netflix Feign. return Feign.builder() .requestInterceptor(new MarathonHeadersInterceptor()) .errorDecoder(new NetsErrorDecoder()) …
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Feign Client with Spring Cloud Brixton SR7

I am trying to use Feign Client with the new Spring Cloud version (Brixton.SR7) but I am having problems. Every time I try to make a REST call to a registered service in Eureka Server I got the exception: Servlet.service() for servlet…
1 answer

Am I misusing rxJava by converting an observable into a blocking observable?

My API makes about 100 downstream calls, in pairs, to two separate services. All responses need to be aggregated, before I can return my response to the client. I use hystrix-feign to make the HTTP calls. I came up with what I believed was an…
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