Questions tagged [extentreports]

ExtentReports is an open-source reporting API for Java and .NET. It creates interactive HTML report of your test session

ExtentReports is an open-source reporting API for Java and .NET. It creates interactive HTML report of your test session.

You can find the documentation here

396 questions
2 answers

Difference between Tests and Steps in testng extent report

I'm confused in difference between Tests and Steps in testng extent report. I have 2 test cases as 1 pass and 1 fail. In extent report under Test: 1 test(s) passed 1 test(s) failed, 0 others and under Steps: 1 step(s) passed 2 step(s) failed, 0…
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6 answers

ExtentReports - screenshot not in the report - broken image

I'm trying to add a screenshot to my ExtentReport HTML file, but for some reason, the image is not there even though it DOES exist and the console shows that it's looking at the correct place (href is correct). This is the latest trial…
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0 answers

How to rename generated multiple report file names for extentreport version 4.0.3?

Using extent report version 4.0.3, multiple reports files are generates (dashboard.html, index.html etc). We need to append date and time stamp to each report file. Using version 3.1.3, i am able to append date and time stamp to file name as there…
2 answers

Configuring ExtentReports to provide accurate test statuses and screenshot on failure

I am having some difficulty tweaking ExtentReports to provide the desired output. I have a simple test framework with TestNG, using a TestBase class to do the heavy lifting to keep tests simple. I wish to implement ExtentReports in a simple…
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1 answer

Is Extent report version 5 now available or not?

Extent report version 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 available in but documentation not available in Explain me it is the real update or not?
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4 answers

How to attach screenshot to Extent Report in java selenium

I am trying to attach screenshot for failed testcases from my path to Extent Report but somehow i am not able to attach into it. I have tried my possible solution but it fails . I have used extent report version 3 here is mine full code in separate…
1 answer

How to integrate TestNG or Extent reports with Azure devops?

There is option for JUnit reports to integrate with Devops, is there a way to integrate TestNG or Extent reports with Azure devops?
Nesa Kumar
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How to add thumbnail of Base64 image in Selenium Extent report

I been using the base64 image for screenshots to be attached in my HTML extent report. The code i been using is given below. Screenshot file = ((ITakesScreenshot)driver).GetScreenshot(); string image = file.AsBase64EncodedString; exTest.Fail(msg,…
shaz sanz
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Extent test report V3(junit4) - Troubleshoot with appending test cases under 1 class into unique report

I have problem with appending tests into a test report. I just wanted to do the most basic steps, so I wrote 4 tc. When I run them and open the report, every time they are duplicated in the report. I am using extent report version 3 and Junit4 and I…
1 answer

Adding screenshot in extent report 4 for the failed scenarios

I'm using extent report 4.Actually I'm trying to add Screenshot in extent report when the test fails. I'm using below code to achieve this. Screenshot gets attached in the end of my report (please refer the screenshot), but I want screenshot to get…
0 answers

Take Screenshots on Test Fails

I'm trying to take screenshots when a test fails and then add them to my report. Currently it takes a screenshot when it opens up the application again to do the extent.flush(); in my afterMethod(). My screenshot class is here: public class…
Tom Cockram
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2 answers

Get log message from Assertions

I'm integrating html-reports to our test framework using Extent Report library (version 4). For that purpose I wrote a wrapper, that encapsulates our default TestNG logger (for the console output) and ExtentReport logger (ExtentTest.log, to collect…
6 answers

Unable to generate ExtentReport for .NetCore App 2.1?

I am working on .NetCore App 2.1 project and I created some selenium scripts in C# for that project with NUnit framework(in MacOS). I am able to execute it successfully. However, I am not able to generate report using Extent Report 3.1.3(Also, Tried…
Bhuvan Gopal
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2 answers

Close was called before test could end safely using EndTest when running the test in multiple threads

I am getting below ExtentTestInterruptedException exception when I am running my test in multiple threads(Using TestNG to launch test in multiple threads): com.relevantcodes.extentreports.ExtentTestInterruptedException: Close was called before test…
1 answer

what is the difference between creating extent report by using listener and without using listener

I want to generate an extent report but I am confused as to the difference between creating the extent report by using listener and without using listener? I am done writing the code for both but I can`t see the difference and which one is better…
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