Questions tagged [expando]

An expando is an custom property attached to a document object.

An expando property is an attribute of a DOM element which is not part of the specification or IDL. Some legacy expandos, such as onclick, are natively mapped to an internal event handler for backward compatibility with the DOM level 0 model.


80 questions
1 answer

Best design to implement system with dynamic columns in .NET

I'm looking for best option that is available today with SQL Server Backend & C# has front end for storing data which has dynamic columns. Currently My Scenario is like I have Object say "Item" which holds Pricing information for multiple currency…
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Implement AOP with groovy to performance profile a Grails app (dynamic weaving, as in AspectJ)

I need to collect performance metrics for a bunch of Grails on Groovy apps. I'm thinking of doing it on the basis of a few examples on the web (cf. I think I've got what I need to do in terms of…
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1 answer

Display List with Razor

I am using list of dynamic (anonymous objects) in a Razor view and display it. Controller Code : var res = (from c in _context.DM_Suivi_Us_Servis group c by new { c.designation_magasin,c.designation_uf} into g …
1 answer

Liferay - Set Expando Field Value in a Javascript Function

I need to set a User Expando field value in a Javascript Function in liferay. It is possible to do?
0 answers

Parse a Lambda in C#

I want to convert a string containing an expression of a known signature Func x.Age > 18 //Typecastable to Func var function = (Func) Lamdba.Parse("(x) =>…
Vyas Bharghava
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2 answers

How to Search in expando object

I got json object like this - and some times like this - So the order of the object is not fixed. In above example "CreatedOn" field need to stored in DB. I am using following code to convert it into expandoobject - JObject jsonObject =…
Anil Purswani
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0 answers

Expando Object accessing non existing property

I'm working on the expando object in C#, however, I would like to know whether we have a way to assign a predefined value like 'Prop not found' when we access to a non-existing property ? My code is as follow, if we access to an unknown property in…
1 answer

Pass LINQ anomyous type results like a collection of property bags to a ASP.NET 5 MVC View

I've searched around and people talk about using ExpandDo with dynamic, but I haven't been able to figure it out how to do this with a collection returned from a LINQ query. I'm doing an inner join on my database between 2 tables (student and…
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2 answers

Groovy expando dynamic set name

Is it possibly to dynamically set the class of an expando?? Having set jr = new Expando() Is there a way to def end = 'name' so that jr.end will actually give me the value stored in
john renfrew
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1 answer

Liferay theme and portlet communication

I have a portlet embedded in a theme. The only solution that I found to permit the theme to get parameters values from the portlet is to use an intermediate database. What I did is that I created a table in the portlet and then I tried to access to…
Kallel Omar
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0 answers

How could ExpandoObjects be used to replace the listed incrementally composed classes?

I don't think a design pattern can be used in this sense. The case scenario is having a base object that has these properties and corresponding getters/setters always defined: (id,name,content). In addition to that there will be objects that have…
Michail Michailidis
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2 answers

Given incrementally composed classes how can I replace them with some design pattern implementation while having the method bodies defined only once?

I don't think a design pattern can be used in this sense. The case scenario is having a base object that has these properties and corresponding getters/setters always defined: (id,name,content). In addition to that there will be objects that have…
Michail Michailidis
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1 answer

groovy closure Expando call vs explicit

If I have a closure attached to an expando and the closure references a value on the expando like so... def e = new Expando() e.val = 'hi' e.doit = { println delegate.val } e.doit() It works fine. and prints 'hi' If I call the closure with the long…
2 answers

Run a method of setup of liferay portal

I have a hook where to add an organization and few custom field variables (Expando Variables) automatically to a liferay portal. How do I run that hook or a method in the hook during liferay setup or the first time I start a liferay portal? Does…
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1 answer

Issue with multiview control and expando attributes

I have a multiview control which I effectively use the same as a wizard stepping through 4 panels to complete a form. Each view has a number of input controls/validator controls. For reuse, these are bundled together as a user control. For instance…
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