Questions tagged [expando]

An expando is an custom property attached to a document object.

An expando property is an attribute of a DOM element which is not part of the specification or IDL. Some legacy expandos, such as onclick, are natively mapped to an internal event handler for backward compatibility with the DOM level 0 model.


80 questions
1 answer

Invalid Storage Type: DBNull

When using expando objects to fill my datatable, I am facing following error message when I initialize a new datarow. The exception is: Invalid Storage Type: DBNull public static DataTable ToCLDataTable(List items) { DataTable dataTable…
1 answer

How to display a table which is generated programmatically in a .aspx-Website

I've got a problem with displaying a table which is generated programmatically. Let me explain. I have a XML which is looking like this:
2 answers

MongoDB NoRM: query nested objects using Expando

I saw this Q&A MongoDB Norm query nested objects, but it seems to apply to strongly-typed objects only. Is there a way to do a find or update a nested field on an Expando object ( Basically, I have a…
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1 answer

Liferay - Custom attributes are empty on staging

I have an issue with getting the Values of my Custom Attributes (Site) in the Liferay Staging-Mode. I'm trying to get the Values with following Code in my Theme: Map myAttributes = site.getExpandoBridge().getAttributes(); But…
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1 answer

liferay: How can i get data from table "expandovalue" in BD?

In my liferay i have a web form portlet for users to fill. When the form is filled the data is stored in the database in the table expandovalue Now i'm trying to retrive that data and show it in a portlet, i have found a lot of documentation about…
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Extending xhtml schema to support custom tags and attributes

I want to provide the xml schema for custom tags and attributes, which are extending xhtml, so that I would have auto suggest in the IDE (I am using WebStorm) for standard html tags and attributes and for my custom. The namespace should not be used,…
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Objectify embedded maps fail to retrieve

I am using Objectify as a data access layer in my GoogleAppEngine hosted application. The problem comes when I try to persist a map. My bean looks like this: @Entity @Cached class MyBean{ @Id private Long id; @Embedded Map
Jordi P.S.
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2 answers

Deserialize an anonymous type into a dynamic

I have an application that contains a business entity called a 'Task'. This entity has a fixed set of properties, but also the ability to behave as an expando. So, its schema looks like this: namespace RavenResearch { public class Task { …
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1 answer

groovy Expando : why it consider the local variable and not the expando properties?

looking at this test code: def a = "test" def expando = new Expando() expando.a = a expando.foobar = {a} expando.a = "test1" assert expando.foobar() != a why the last assertion fail? it considers "a" as the local variable and not as the…
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1 answer

Clone and Expando class object in Python for App Engine

What is a good way to clone (make a copy of) an Expando class object when using Python on Google App Engine? I came across some code on here, but unless I'm mistaken, it does not work on expando properties: Copy an entity in Google App Engine…
Chris Dutrow
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1 answer

Is there a possibility to control the Expando class to not allow adding properties/members under certain conditions?

As far as I can tell, the Expando class in Kephas allows adding new members on the fly. Unlike the ExpandoObject in .NET, I noticed it is not sealed, so I could change its behavior, but I don't really know how. [EDITED] My scenario is to make the…
Auguste Leroi
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1 answer

Javascript passing null to an ExpandoObject field in C# Controller parameter

My Javascript Code $('[step="4"]').click(function () { //shortened for brevety var _model = new Object(); _model.ItemDesc.value = 'Descript'; //^ throws an error but gets fixed if removing the .value _model.ItemQty.num = 1; _model.ItemQty.unit =…
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1 answer

Liferay 7 : PermissionChecker not initialized while getting Organization custom field

I've created custom field for Organization in Liferay 7 portal. Now I wanna get a value of the custom field and getting PrincipalException - PermissionChecker not initialized: Long userId = (Long)…
Aybek Kokanbekov
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2 answers

How to get invoking member name of expando object?

dynamic test = new ExpandoObject(); test.A = "ok"; try{ Console.WriteLine(test.B); } catch (Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException ex){ // how can i know that B was invoke? } As code above, test.B is not a member of 'test'.…
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0 answers

liferay 7 expando taglib import unresolved requirement

I want to use <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-expando" %>
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