Questions tagged [excel-charts]

In Excel, you can create graphical representations of your data in your spreadsheet in charts.

Charts are visual representations of worksheet data. Charts often makes it easier to understand the data in a worksheet because users can easily pick out patterns and trends illustrated in the chart that are otherwise difficult to see.

Different types of charts serve different purposes.

Pie Charts -- are used to show percentages. For example, a pie chart could be used to show what percentage of your total daily calorie intake is represented by one quadruple cheese and bacon hamburger.

Column Charts -- are used to show comparisons between items of data. Each column in the chart represents the value of one item of data. An example of this would be to compare the calories in a quadruple cheese and bacon hamburger with the calories in a glass of water and a bowl of beet greens.

Bar Charts -- are very similar to column charts, except they run horizontally on the page instead of vertically like column charts.

Line Charts -- are used to show trends over time. Each line in the graph shows the changes in the value of one item of data. For example you could show changes in your weight over a period of months as a result of eating a quadruple cheese and bacon hamburger every day for lunch.

368 questions
3 answers

Chart Numbers in Excel with Strings mixed in

I have some data that I'm putting into a chart and formatting. There are some business rules where some of the data is "Protected" like in the example. The issue when graphing with the word "Protected" (or any other word) excel is graphs that point…
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Excel chart x axis showing sequential numbers, not actual value

I have 2 columns in my excel file. 1 is 'code' which has the following values: 2050, 2196, 1605, D1488. The next column is 'amount' which has dollar amount values. When I insert a column chart, the x axis shows 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The y axis is…
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Excel stacked bar chart not plotted correctly

I am using Axlsx gem for generating the excel charts on ruby on rails. My requirement is to generate a stacked bar chart but it is generating in a staircase format refer the image here. To generate the chart I have used the following…
Aditya Tiwari
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Change chart font using VBA

How do I change the font of an Excel chart using VBA? If I manually select the chart, and record a macro while I manually change the font name and size, I get the macro below. But when I immediately replay the macro, it throws a run-time error: "The…
Jean-François Corbett
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Change Axis Label font size in a funnel chart (Excel 2016)

I want to change font size on axis xlCategory. I am running the code like below but it is failing. I am stuck in finding workarounds. Chart is "Funnel" type 123. On the other types of chart code is running fine. With…
2 answers

Chart Series Line: Bring to Front, Send to Back

If I use VBA in Excel to make a line chart with multiple series, and two of the series' data are very similar so that their chart series lines partly overlap, the last one written is in front of earlier ones written. In the Worksheet_Change event,…
Greg Lovern
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4 answers

Excel Chart range based on the value in a cell in another sheet

I have a sheet (Dashboard) that has multiple Pareto charts, another sheet (Data) brings in the range for each chart via a formula in standard $A$1:$B$2 format. how do I use these ranges from the Sheet "Data" in the Pareto charts in the…
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Excel sunburst chart: Some labels missing

I've made a sunburst chart in Excel (2016) and want to add labels to all data points. The problem is, that Excel discards some of the labels automatically: It seems that labels are removed either because the datapoint is too small or the label…
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Maintaining a dynamic named range in a chart when copying a worksheet

I am trying to automate charts for a spreadsheet with a lot of worksheets. I'm building all the charts/graphs I need on a template worksheet and making them dynamic using named ranges (OFFSET + COUNT). Once I have this template completed I would…
2 answers

C# - why Histogram does not work in Excel 2016?

I have excel 2016 vsto application build in c#. I have a chart control and want to set chart type to the histogram. I can select this chart from excel but I am not able set this chart type programmatically. In other words, I am not able to find…
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Hiding zero values in Excel chart or diagram, legend and labeling

As you can see in the attached image, my diagram accesses the table on the left. Though the values are changing and it appears that sometimes a value is 0. In this case the entire row of the table neither should be shown in the diagram nor in the…
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VBA not copying whole chart into PowerPoint

I'm dealing with an issue where my VBA code somehow chooses not to include the whole chart when copying to a powerpoint slide. I have the following code: This code creates my Doughnut chart from 2 numbers. Function CreateTwoValuesPie(ByVal X As…
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1 answer

Calculate slope and intercept value for logarithmic trendline as excel

I am generating Logarithmic trendlines and used Excel formula for this. But i can't calculate slope and intercept value as calculated in Excel. I think, i did some mistakes in my formula. This is my code var X= [10, 25, 30, 40]; Y= [5, 4, 7, 12]; …
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Excel chart VBA loop through datalabels

I have many sheets with a graph on each, I would like to loop through each datalabel in each graph deleting any equaling 0, but can't seem to pull the datalabel value. With ActiveChart For k = 1 To .SeriesCollection.Count For j = 1 To…
Tim Wilkinson
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3 answers

Remove series from chart with VBA

I am creating a chart in excel via vba code. I am using contiguous data and the chart pops up no problem, however there is an extra series named "Series 3" that I didn't ask for and need to get rid of (via deleting it or omitting in the first…
M Kaye
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