Questions tagged [excel-addins]

Excel add-ins are self-contained programs that extend or add functionality to Microsoft Office Excel.

Microsoft Office Excel add-ins are self-contained programs that extend or add functionality to Excel. By default add-ins are not enabled, and they need to be installed / activated.

Add-ins can be created in multiple ways

  • .xla: a specially saved workbook containing macros for and earlier.
  • .xlam: a specially saved workbook containing macros for current versions of excel.
  • COM: Custom Component Object Model add-ins written in VB6
  • .xll: A DLL add-in using Excel's C API
  • Managed COM addins using or

Visual Studio provides project templates you can use to create application-level add-ins for Microsoft Excel. You can use add-ins to automate Excel, extend Excel features, or customize the Excel user interface.


974 questions
1 answer

How to add button in excel ribbon for call custom add-in?

I have prepared complex add-in with shortcuts used in process. Users would like to call it with the easiest way. It has to be added as addin, modifications in personal workbook are not allowed. Is it possible to add custom button for calling…
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How to run the regression function (or any tool/built-in macro) in microsoft excel using C#

I would like to know how to run the regression function in microsoft excel using c#. Currently i am following this tutorial to automate regression in excel: Everything…
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office-js #Excel Add-in taskpane

I have created a excel web-addin. I have few drop-downs in my taskpane. when i save and reopen the excel sheet the data remains as it is on excel sheet but i would like to get the data on the task pane too.. can any one help
1 answer

How do you rename the tab of a add-in in Excel when customizing does not work?

I have an Excel add-in with a customised tab name that I am trying to rename. I have tried to rename it via File> Options> Customize Ribbons and accessing the Add-ins tab to rename, but it does not allow me to do so (greyed out). In the Customize…
1 answer

How can I get the local path of the currently open excel workbook?

I'm using the default 'Excel web add-in' template in Visual Studio 2017. I'm trying to create an excel add-in that inserts a copy of an existing workbook into the current one. The first step is to get the full path and name of the current workbook.…
2 answers

Print_area name conflict excel-2007 Add-ins VB.Net

I have developed Excel-2007 Add-Ins using and its working fine. but when we open the older sheet created using this add ins it shows the "Print_Area Name conflict" error. plz can any one suggest how i solve this issue. screen shot…
Mitesh Khatri
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Excel Find and replace dialog shows default text

I have working on excel-addin. I have few UDF formulas in that, whenever i uses any of the formulas and press Ctrl+F to open find and replace dialog it shows UDF formula as default text in the search. Is there any way i can inspect how find and…
Sourabh Mishra
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1 answer

Open a worksheet in addin by default

I have an addin named SWERP, and worksheet within this addin named Dashboard. I have generated the necessary graphs in this dashboard worksheet. How do I load the Dashboard worksheet by default (which is in my addin), whenever the addin is…
1 answer

Add-in macro conflict Excel

Initially I have 1 function: CusFun in an Add-in1 I copy all code in Add-in1 into module in Excel file, save file 1.xlsm I open 1.xlsm to work, now I have 2 functions CusFun I changed the name (and only the name) of the functions in macro in…
Tam Le
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1 answer

Excel Add-In - Alternative to ActiveMenuBar.Reset

Problem: After an upgrade from Office 2010 to 2013, the Essbase Excel Add-in ("essexcln.xll", which Oracle ended support for in 2013) causes the focus to always return to a window with an active connection, when there is more than 1 window open. If…
1 answer

How can I run a function inside an Office Dialog Eventhandler function?

I have this code in an Angular2 Microsoft Office Add-in project that displays an Office Dialog using the Javascript API. Office.context.ui.displayDialogAsync(url, {height: 34, width: 20, displayInIframe: true},function (asyncResult) { if…
2 answers

Getting nulls instead of an object using marshaling. VSTO Excel C#

Why is wb a null object? What am I doing wrong? Excel.Application ap = (Excel.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("Excel.Application"); Excel.Workbook wb = ap.ActiveWorkbook; Excel.Worksheet ws = ap.ActiveSheet;
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Editing Data within Excel Add In (UDF using Index/Match)

I'm a beginner at vba but have created a custom Add In in Excel with several User Defined Functions (UDF)...they are all working for multiple users but I can't figure out how to update the reference data in ThisWorkbook. Background: I have several…
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Is it possible to load List of values in excel using VSTO web add-ins using office.js

I am developing a excel add-in using office.js, that populates table data in excel sheet. Add-in allows user to update table column details, but I want to display list of reference values rather than free text. Example for scenario is given…
1 answer

Undo is not working in excel add in with in the used range

I have an excel add-in to collect the data and store it on the server. But if I try to undo any cell value within the excel used range it is not working, but in that same sheet if enter anything in other cells and try to undo it is working fine.…
Fayaz M.D
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