Questions tagged [excel-2016]

The Excel-2016 tag is used for referencing the spreadsheet component of the Microsoft Office 2016 suite released 22 Sep 2015. The version independent Tag is "excel". If it is about VBA code or an Excel formula or worksheet function, then tag it vba & excel or excel-formula or worksheet-function respectively.

Excel 2016 is the spreadsheet component of the Office 2016 suite released on 22 Sep 2015. It incorporates what was previously the Power Query add-in, additional charting options and Power BI Desktop. details here

From Wikipedia Included in the Microsoft Office 2016 package, along with a lot of new tools included in this release:

  • Power Query integration
  • Read-only mode for Excel
  • Keyboard access for Pivot Tables and Slicers in Excel
  • New Chart Types (Sunburst, Waterfall, Pareto Charts, 3D Data Map etc.)
  • Quick data linking in Visio
  • Excel forecasting functions
  • Support for multi-selection of Slicer items using touch
  • Time grouping and Pivot Chart Drill Down
  • Excel data cards
  • The 'Tell Me' box to search inbuilt functions and operations

For Apple Macintosh Excel 15.0 forms part of the "Office 2016" suite.

Office 2016 for Mac brings the Mac version much closer to parity with its Windows cousin, harmonising many of the reporting and high-level developer functions, while bringing the ribbon and styling into line with its PC counterpart.

For a poignant article on this see Walt Mossberg's article Office for Mac Is Finally a 'First-Class Citizen'.


1344 questions
4 answers

Spliting 2 Words in Excel before the last capital Letter?

I am trying to figure out how to split a single word into 2 separate words in excel. e.g. input word: BTCBitcoin Desired output: BTC Bitcoin any suggestions? Thanks.
2 answers

How to autofill values in excel based on the cells above and below

good people, I have a table full of unique id's (as mentioned below) but there are missing values for few id's. I want a formula/code to fill in the blanks based on the values above and below of any cell. For example: here there are two empty rows…
2 answers

Print Button In Excel 2016 Using Macros?

I'm currently trying to create a Print Button on one of my worksheets. I need it to print that worksheet as well as another one. Both of the names are "Budget Sheet" and "Listed Commitments Sheet" without the quotation marks. I created the…
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1 answer

Logical Error in my code

I have written the code below in which I have to first identify smallest, 2nd smallest and so on numbers and then obtain the row numbers for them (I am saving the row numbers in a separate column, here column 50, in case there are more than one such…
Avi Gupta
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1 answer

How to position/place stacked column chart data labels vertically in MS Excel?

I have the following stacked column chart (bar graph) in Excel: The problem is that the chart data labels (percentages right on the green bars) do not fit and overlap. Data labels positioned horizontally. I want to position them vertically, but I…
Erba Aitbayev
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1 answer

How to arrange stacked column chart in ascending order in Excel?

I have the table in Excel: I have generated 100% stacked column chart for this data. It looks like this: But it's not arranged. I want the stacked chart to be arranged in ascending order. Parameter is accuracy rate (%). So I want green columns…
Erba Aitbayev
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1 answer

Regular expression for a time format

I am trying to search for cells in a column containing a time in the format of 00:00 using the MATCH function. I have tried things similar to MATCH("??:??",A:A) and MATCH("?*:?*",A:A) with no luck. How can I form a regular expression of 2 digits,…
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1 answer

Creating a module that Randomizes non-numeric values in Excel-VBA 2016

Background: I have a table with rows of Staff IDs and columns of shifts (two a day: AM and PM). Staff indicate whether they can attend each shift. I then run a module that generates lists of all IDs who can attend each shift. Question: Is there a…
1 answer

Create a button in excel that filters a specific text within a column

I am trying to create a button in excel that filters Column E. Column E is named Category (on-site, Email, Phone). I want to create three buttons one for On-site, one for Email and another one for Phone. For example, if I click on On-site, it should…
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3 answers

Excel: organizing inaccurate data collected by a recognition engine. I would like to calculate time worked from time first and last seen

I have a large spreadsheet of data collected by an experimental recognition engine. It collects time started and time finished data according to facial data. The issue I have is that the varying angles and lighting cause the recognition system to…
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1 answer

Extract people using numbers mixed with text over different columns

For a sheet/table: +--------+-------------+------------+----------------+ | Person | Diag1 | Diag2 | Diag3 | +--------+-------------+------------+----------------+ | A | 431 - TB | 652 - PLA | | | B …
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2 answers

Is there a way to match a value to a range in a lookup table?

I have two separate tables in an Excel worksheet, as illustrated below.  Columns A, B, E, F and G are my input values; I want a formula that generates the values in Column C (shown…
1 answer

How can I transpose this data set into this specific order?

I am using Excel 2016 and I have a data set with 492 rows and no headers. Data starts at Cell A1. An extract of the data set looks like this: I want to transpose this data set so that it becomes into this format: I am new to VBA and I am having a…
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1 answer

Is there a way to streamline moving cell references in VBA code?

I have a report that provides a snapshot of information from the prior day, then I click a button (VBA code) upon completion and it takes data stored in certain cells on the report tab and moves it to another tab where its position is re-organized…
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3 answers

How to customize dynamic tabular data from web into excel

How to customize dynamic data taken from web into excel Example Data taken from Web getting displayed as below when paste into excel/word: 1 Application has not up for the below reasons: a. Low Processor Speed b. Power failure c. Under Maintenance…
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