Questions tagged [excel-2016]

The Excel-2016 tag is used for referencing the spreadsheet component of the Microsoft Office 2016 suite released 22 Sep 2015. The version independent Tag is "excel". If it is about VBA code or an Excel formula or worksheet function, then tag it vba & excel or excel-formula or worksheet-function respectively.

Excel 2016 is the spreadsheet component of the Office 2016 suite released on 22 Sep 2015. It incorporates what was previously the Power Query add-in, additional charting options and Power BI Desktop. details here

From Wikipedia Included in the Microsoft Office 2016 package, along with a lot of new tools included in this release:

  • Power Query integration
  • Read-only mode for Excel
  • Keyboard access for Pivot Tables and Slicers in Excel
  • New Chart Types (Sunburst, Waterfall, Pareto Charts, 3D Data Map etc.)
  • Quick data linking in Visio
  • Excel forecasting functions
  • Support for multi-selection of Slicer items using touch
  • Time grouping and Pivot Chart Drill Down
  • Excel data cards
  • The 'Tell Me' box to search inbuilt functions and operations

For Apple Macintosh Excel 15.0 forms part of the "Office 2016" suite.

Office 2016 for Mac brings the Mac version much closer to parity with its Windows cousin, harmonising many of the reporting and high-level developer functions, while bringing the ribbon and styling into line with its PC counterpart.

For a poignant article on this see Walt Mossberg's article Office for Mac Is Finally a 'First-Class Citizen'.


1344 questions
2 answers

How to reference and refresh a QueryTable in Excel 2016 in VBA

I'm trying to refresh a query on a cell change, however I can't figure out how to reference the query. My code: Sheets("Roster Query").QueryTables(0).Refresh Just errors out with: Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined…
Douglas Gaskell
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How to programatically add a hyperlink to a cell in a worksheet using office-js?

I'm working on an Excel add-in using the JavaScript APIs to build add-ins in Excel 2016. The problem I have is not to place the url/link in the cell - I rather want to make this url clickable (as you may know it from entering a url into a cell and…
Eric Haas
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5 answers

How do I break on errors?

I have a Function that has some bug in it somewhere causing it to return #VALUE when I try to execute it in excel. I have no idea where the error is, and stepping through the code is just tedious. So I'd like the debugger to break as soon as an…
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1 answer

#NAME with module and function of the same name

I created a module called foo in my spreadsheet, and then I added the following to it: Function foo() As Variant foo = 5 End Function When I try to run the function in Excel, by typing =foo() into a cell, I get #NAME. When I look at what #NAME…
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1 answer

VBA Editor broken - Excel 2016 OSX

I recently installed Excel 2016 for mac and when I launched the VBA editor the text was placed in a vertical way (line without any width) as shown in the following image. Any workaround for this?
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How to find a specific data of consecutive numbers inside an excel spreadsheet column

Please help me to find sequence of numbers present in column of a spreadsheet. I have a large data of 1's and 0's in an excel column, I need to find the sequence of consecutive 1's and 0's in the column. For example, my excel column is given…
2 answers

How do I prevent Excel VBA error: An unhandled win32 exception occurred in EXCEL.EXE [14756]

The client I'm working for recently upgraded all laptops to Microsoft Surface running windows 10 (version 10.0.16299) and Office 2016: Microsoft Excel 2016 MSO (16.0.9126.2295) 64-bit Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus I'm working on an Excel VBA…
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2 answers

Passing multiple ranges as AGGREGATE's array parameter

I would be grateful if anyone knows whether the following issue is documented and/or what the underlying reasons are. Assuming we have, for example, the numbers from 1 to 10 in A1:A10, the following…
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1 answer

Visual Studio Tools For Office (Excel 2016 Workbook) Designer Showing Blue Screen

So I'm trying to start a VSTO Excel Workbook project and cannot seem to get the designer to actually open the spreadsheet I've seeded the project with. The designer just shows a blue screen and doesn't let me actually edit the spreadsheet. This also…
2 answers

Office-js Excel: Get filename of newly saved file

How can I get filename of newly saved file? Normally, I can get the filename using: Office.context.document.url However, when the user opens a new workbook, it doesn't really have a filename, and oddly enough this line of code doesn't work even…
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1 answer

Why does my function assume a missing argument is there?

I have a function which updates a form, "LoadingInterface". The function looks like this: Private Sub updateLoadingBar(Optional tekst As String, Optional barOnePerc As Long, Optional barTwoPerc As Long) If Not IsMissing(tekst) Then …
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1 answer

how to read the amount of used or free memory in Excel 2016 VBA

I can't seem to find a VBA command that returns the memory in use or the memory available. In Excel 2013 there was Application.MemoryUsed but when I try that in Excel 2016 I get "Type mismatch", regardless if I use dim myVar as variant …
Joe Phi
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1 answer

EPPlus Add Worksheet with Latest Version of Office Losses All Macros

When you run the following code on a file that has any VBA macro's whatsoever: using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo("Test.xlsm"))) { xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("TestTab"); xlPackage.Save(); } You get the…
David Rogers
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5 answers

Remove AM/PM from "time" cell

I am calculating all the hours/minutes/seconds of all calls made on our PABX system. The cell has to be "time" format to display correctly. BUT, this adds an AM/PM at the end of the result as if it was the time. Whereas I just want it to display as…
1 answer

Error "Select method of Range class failed" when selecting range in VB.Net Excel workbook

(First time poster, so please let me know if I did anything wrong with the question formatting/placement/content. Thanks) Brief intro: I'm working on an Excel workbook that was developed by someone else at my company in Visual Studio 2010 for Excel…
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