Questions tagged [excel-2010]

The Excel-2010 tag is used for referencing the Excel Version 2010 spreadsheet application from Microsoft. If your question is about VBA then also tag it VBA. If it is about an Excel formula or worksheet function, then tag it worksheet-function.

Excel 2010 is the 14th version of Microsoft's commercial spreadsheet program. Microsoft made slight user interface (UI) changes; otherwise, it continues to use the UI pioneered in Office 2007.

Features such as Sparklines and Slicers were introduced in Excel 2010 to provide more charting and data visualization power.

This tag is used for questions specific to the 2010 version of the program. However, it is usually used in tandem with other tags, to let SO users know what your question is about. If your question is about VBA then also tag it . If it is about an Excel formula, tag it or . Questions about addins for Excel 2010 should be tagged .


5779 questions
2 answers

Open XML SDK 2.0 to get access to excel 2010 worksheet by name

I have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet that has 3 worksheets named Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3. I'm trying to get a reference to a worksheet by name. I'm using the code: using (SpreadsheetDocument myWorkbook = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(FileName, true)) { …
Rick Hodder
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5 answers

Calling web service using VBA code in Excel 2010

I am trying to write some VBA code in Excel 2010 that would consume a web service. I am unable to find any related resources on the internet. Can someone please tell me how to do this.
Aadith Ramia
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4 answers

Excel: Searching for multiple terms in a cell

I use this handy equation to search for a term inside of a cell in excel. =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("*Gingrich*",C1)),"1","") This equation searches for the presence of Gingrich in C1, if it exists, it displays a 1. All I'd like to do is search for more…
Chris J. Vargo
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3 answers

macro - open all files in a folder

I want to open all files in a specified folder and have the following code Sub OpenFiles() Dim MyFolder As String Dim MyFile As String MyFolder = "\\ILAFILESERVER\Public\Documents\Renewable Energy\FiTs\1 Planning Department\Marks…
Ross McLaughlin
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6 answers

How to highlight a cell using the hex color value within the cell?

I have a spreadsheet of symbols and matching hex colors. I want to fill the cell itself (or the one next to it) with the hex color within the cell. I've read a bit about "conditional formatting", and I think that's the way to do it. How might I…
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8 answers

filter out multiple criteria using excel vba

I have 8 variables in column A, 1,2,3,4,5 and A, B, C. My aim is to filter out A, B, C and display only 1-5. I can do this using the following code: My_Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("1", "2", "3","4","5"), _ …
3 answers

How to get unique values in a column using excel formula

I have Excel Data like below JID Val 1001 22 1030 6 1031 14 1041 8 1001 3 2344 8 1030 8 2344 6 1041 8 How do i get the unique JID values…
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7 answers

Open an Excel file from SharePoint site

I'm trying to open an Excel file from SharePoint using VBA. Because the file I'm looking for might be different each time I run the macro, I want to be able to view the SharePoint folder and select the file I need. The code below works fine when I…
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2 answers

Excel VBA Open a Folder

Using 2010 Excel VBA - I'm just trying to open a folder through a sub. What am I doing wrong here? VBA Sub openFolder() Dim preFolder As String, theFolder As String, fullPath as String theFolder = Left(Range("T12").Value, 8) preFolder =…
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4 answers

Find the current user language

How can I tell the current user language in a vba program? I need this to show a form in an appropriate language.
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4 answers

Removing special characters VBA Excel

I'm using VBA to read some TITLES and then copy that information to a powerpoint presentation. My Problem is, that the TITLES have special characters, but Image files that I am also coping over do not. The TITLE forms part of a path to load a JPEG…
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9 answers

Looping through all rows in a table column, Excel-VBA

I'm currently working on a data set which is formatted as a table, with headers. What I need to do is cycle through all cells in a specific column and change the contents. Through research on MSDN I came up with the following for loop for i = 1 to…
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8 answers

How do I loop an excel 2010 table by using his name & column reference?

Since Excel 2010 I'm using a lot of tables within Excel. For example, I have a table "tabWorkers" with 3 columns: "ID", "Firstname", "Lastname". I already found out I can refer to a table in VBA using []. For example: Dim row As Range For Each row…
Tiele Declercq
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1 answer

Pop up the Excel Statusbar?

I'm developing an application for excel that takes a long time to run so it would be nice to have a progress bar pop up and give some indication of the progress. I was looking at the Statusbar property in Excel and it seems to cover what I need…
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5 answers

How to select clear table contents without destroying the table?

I have a vba function in excel 2010 that I built using help from people on here. This function copies the contents of a table/form, sorts them, and sends them to the appropriate tables. Now after running this function I want the original table to be…
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