Questions tagged [excel-2010]

The Excel-2010 tag is used for referencing the Excel Version 2010 spreadsheet application from Microsoft. If your question is about VBA then also tag it VBA. If it is about an Excel formula or worksheet function, then tag it worksheet-function.

Excel 2010 is the 14th version of Microsoft's commercial spreadsheet program. Microsoft made slight user interface (UI) changes; otherwise, it continues to use the UI pioneered in Office 2007.

Features such as Sparklines and Slicers were introduced in Excel 2010 to provide more charting and data visualization power.

This tag is used for questions specific to the 2010 version of the program. However, it is usually used in tandem with other tags, to let SO users know what your question is about. If your question is about VBA then also tag it . If it is about an Excel formula, tag it or . Questions about addins for Excel 2010 should be tagged .


5779 questions
1 answer

Extract specific word cells

I have a description field that contains multiple text. I want to extract a certain data that I need. Which is the "Group Code" and "Group Name". The text length of each cell might be different. What formula can assist me to grab those two fields?…
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Finding last column and then finding the last row in that column

I need to find the last column in a worksheet and then find the last row in that particular column. For last column I am using this: lastcol = .Cells(1, .Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column last_row = Range((Cells(Rows.count), lastcol).Find("*",…
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3 answers

How do I export multiple Excel rows to an XML file using an XML schema?

I have an Excel worksheet with a list of cars: I created an XML schema document to allow me to export the worksheet to XML. The schema is as follows:
1 answer

Determine the column range of merged cells

My goal is to average a number of columns in one row. The table is laId out by month, ONE week per column and a number of rows with the numbers in each column. The table is divided into months across the top, with the month name header in a…
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More than 8,000 characters possible for Excel formula?

I have a formula that is over 12,000 characters, and it appears the limit for excel 2010 is around 8,000. It's a lengthy "if, and" statement, with 50+ conditions. Is there a way I can override the character limit so I don't have to separate out the…
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1 answer

Loop required for Web Query and error handler

I have list of MAC ID's. I tried to find all the vendor details. I tried for one but i need it till the end in column A(Where all the MAC ID I mentioned). If it will not found then simply skip and it has to move to next loop and paste below. I did…
3 answers

Get certain values from complex table

I have a rather complicated data structure in Excel (Google Drive link). I would like to get certain values from this table: I tried a combination of a row-column INDEX MATCH. However this did not work because I do not know how to locate the…
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1 answer

Paste filtered results on the next empty row in a column

I am building a custom template for technicians to use while on the production floor. What I am attempting to do is filter the results on separate sheets (FTP Results and ATP Results), copy those results to the next empty cell in a specific column…
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0 answers

How to open https URL with self-signed certificate from MS-excel?

I have noticed that you cannot open url link from MS Excel 2010 Starter when it is https with untrusted (self-signed) certificate. I have company server which is used internally and when I want to cross link some document to a link on that server I…
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1 answer

OFFSET formula produces error when attempting dynamic sheet/cell reference

I am attempting to make a worksheet tool in Excel 2010 that will allow users to pull data from other (new) worksheets that are copied or moved to the workbook. I'm giving the OFFSET formula a try but receive an error with: =OFFSET(("'"&'Profit…
2 answers

Exporting Conditional Borders to Excel in SSRS

I have a simple SSRS report with a Tablix and various groupings (1 column grouping, row groupings below) Groupings: Group 1 -- Group 2 ---- Group 3 ------ Group 4 -- Adjacent Group 2 ---- Adjacent Group 3 I am trying to implement a conditional…
0 answers

How to assign a tooltip at a macro button added by customize ribbon in ms excel?

I want to assign a tool-tip to a macro button added by customizing ribbon in options at file tab in MS Excel. I know the userform option in vba window under insert menu allows to add tool-tip for buttons added by userform, but I want to know Can I…
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2 answers

Count a specific value disregarding repeating dates

First time post, lots of help over the years though--I've seen some articles dealing with my problem but am having a block for some reason & thought it best to just ask... I have a list of students in column A, classes, such as Math or English in…
0 answers

Self creating workbook with automatic save in new created folder

I have an Excel form that I need really often with other file names and changed data in the forms. I need to write code that creates a folder and saves the Excel file in it with the changed text in the form. (the text is in another Excel file) What…
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0 answers

Speeding up opening of hyperlinks defined with openpyxl?

I am adding hyperlinks to cells in an xlsm using openpyxl by setting the .hyperlink attribute on each cell in question. When I save in openpyxl and reopen the spreadsheet in Excel, the hyperlinks are present and correct. The thing is: when clicked,…
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