Questions tagged [ex]

ex is a line editor which serves as the foundation of vi. ex commands work on the current line or on a range of lines in a file. ex is invoked using the colon syntax within vi, and can be invoked on its own from the shell.

70 questions
2 answers

Vim command for "edit a copy of this file"

A pattern I seem to be following right now is: edit a file until I like it :w another-file to use it as a starting point for another-file :e another-file to polish up another-file Is there an existing ex command to do the latter two steps at once?…
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1 answer

How to execute multiple global commands in Vim sequentially? (Error: "Cannot do :global recursive")

I want to sort the paragraphs in my text according to their initials with the following global command: g/_p/,/^$/mo$ This works alone. But when I use several global commands at once, then an error occurs: g/_p/,/^$/mo$|g/_w/,/^$/mo$ This gives…
Mert Nuhoglu
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2 answers

vim: Run multiple commands based off of one :global command

Apologies if this has been posted already, for I cannot find an answer, even on the vim wiki. Is there a way I can run multiple commands in vim command-line mode off of a single :g search? For example, :%g/foo/ s/bar/\=@a/g | exe "norm…
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3 answers

Redirect ex command to STDOUT in vim

I'm trying to craft a command to dump vim's highlighting information to STDOUT. I can write successfully to a file like this: vim +'redir >outfile' +'hi' +'redir END' +'q' After this, outfile contains exactly what I want. But I'd rather output to …
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1 answer

Differences in running vim via command line vs. running it in the vim editor

I am trying to process a series of files. I have noticed that there are discrepancies in running a particular command from the command line (i.e. ex mode). E.g. $cat poo.txt big red dog small black cat $vim -c "2,$g/^dog/d|wq" poo.txt $cat…
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4 answers

How can I select part of a line in Vim

I have a line of text that looks like this foo bar -> baz I want yank the url part using ex. Anyone have any ideas on how to do this? To clarify. I want to do something like this :y/http:.*\.com/ from the command line. But…
Matt Peck
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2 answers

Append to line in vim matching regex

I have a json file that I ran a find and replace in using vim, however I forgot a , at the end of the line. ... "id":41483 "someName":"someValue", ... Using vim, how can I append a , to every line matching \"id\"\:[0-9].*$?
Matt Clark
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1 answer

Vim ex knowing number typed before

I'm making a shortcut that places a # at the front of each line, in the next x lines. x is a number I type before entering the shortcut, like typing 11dd deletes the next eleven lines. The command is .,+10 s/^/#/g. Here the number ten should really…
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1 answer

Vim: Call an ex command (set) from function?

Drawing a blank on this, and google was not helpful. Want to make a function like this: function JakPaste() let tmp = :set paste? if tmp == "paste" set nopaste else set paste …
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8 answers

In VIm, how to remove all lines that are duplicate somewhere?

I have a file that contains lines as follows: one one one one two two two one one three three one one three three four I want to remove all occurrences of the duplicate lines from the file and leave only the non-duplicate lines. So, in the example…
Tem Pora
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3 answers

vi (vim) to read an exrc file other than ~/.exrc

We would like to be able to start vi (or vim) up with an alternative ex initialisation file. By default this is ~/.exrc. Unfortunately vim(1), which is also brought up for "man ex" on this system, doesn't mention .exrc. Any workarounds to provide…
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1 answer

How to read a excel file with merged cells in php?

I wrote a php script that allows me to read an uploaded excel file and insert all the images contained in a folder by renaming them with the cell values "style" and "color" to have style_color.jpg. The script works fine but if I upload an xlsx file…
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1 answer

How to write an ex script that searches for text and deletes the next n lines?

I want to write an ex script that searches for text and then deletes 23 lines. I created an exscript file that contains: /block_2/ 23d w I then tried $ ex - index.html < exscript, but it makes wrong, unpredictable edits. Those commands work when…
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1 answer

How to copy command string in the ex mode into clipboard?

How to copy command string in the ex mode into clipboard?
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0 answers

Errors during Autodiscover procedure on Microsoft Exchange 2016

I am working on IP phone software which connects to Microsoft Exchange Server via autodiscover procedure and works with Exchange data. I am using Microsoft Exchange Server 2016. At the present moment I have a problem with figuring out on which URL…
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