Questions tagged [epublib]

epublib is a Java library for reading EPUB files, available for Android as well.

epublib is a Java library for reading EPUB files, available for Android as well.

37 questions
3 answers

ePub library for java or android

Is there any library to read ePub format? I found ePublib in I'm still learning how to use it. Is there ePub jar which works for Android?
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2 answers

Android EPUBLIB read/load content

I'm playing with on Android. Can someone please explain the right way to read epub HTML content, how to show this on Android (using WebView?), how to split content into pages and how to search the content. Thx 10x.
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2 answers

EOFException is thrown when reading contents of an ePub file

I'm trying to read the contents of an ePub file using the library epublib and this example demonstrates that. For me, an exception is thrown when loading the book from the input stream // Load Book from inputStream Book book = (new…
Srikar Reddy
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2 answers

Displaying images using EPUBLIB

I am using epublib to read a .epub file in a WebView. WebView wv = (WebView) getView().findViewById(; try { String abspath = FILEPATH+file; File filePath = new File(abspath+".epub"); InputStream…
Aravind Srivatsan
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2 answers

How to read EPUB book using EPUBLIB?

I found a solution for reading epub books in android using epublib. I am able to read the subtitles of the book. But I didn't find a way to read the line by line of the content. How can I acheive this? Sample code for getting titles of the book is …
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Internal links in epublib on Android aren't working

I'm using the epublib Android library to read an existing EPUB, and I can't get internal links to work. One of the chapters has HTML like this Click here but when you actually click on it, you get an Android webview…
Waynn Lue
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1 answer

Adding epublib to Android Studio and run it

I've got a problem with libaries with Android Studio. I added the .jar in the libs folder in my project and clicked RMB to add it as libary. In the build.gradle I added this with the dependencies: compile files('libs/epublib-core-latest.jar') This…
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1 answer

How to render a epub file in a native android app?

I am trying to make a android app that would render a .epub file and display its content in an android layout. I did a similar app for displaying pdf's using pdfRenderer which displayed the pdf pages using bitmaps. How can I achieve something…
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1 answer

I am using the epublib and I am trying to get the entire chapter of a book at a time

I am trying to get one chapter at a time of a book. I am using the Paul Seigmann library. However, I am not sure how to do it but I am able to get all the text from the book. Not sure where to go from there. // find InputStream for…
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2 answers

android epublib access css,images,urls inner files

I want to use epub book in my application. I found this link to open my epub book. I understand how to show the text from the epub book, but I have a problem with images,CSS files, and links. Their URL are to…
1 answer

read epub file page by page using epublib

i'm working on an application in which i want to read epub file page by page using epublib and show in a app , i am able to get all contents of book chapter wise , now i want to get contents page wise , plz answer if you have any idea , thanks in…
Farhan Munir
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2 answers

How to use epublib jar in my android application

I have implemented one application in android which uses epublib to view .epub files. As per this link, I have done following steps. Slf4j-android. You can download this at…
Kanak Vaghela
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How to combine cover page and chapter contents of epublib in single WebView?

So, I'm trying to load the cover page and the chapter contents(in its respective sequence) within a single WebView using Epublib. So far, what I've done ... I retrieved my epub file from the cloud and unzipped in using the epublib library using the…
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0 answers

Siegmann epublib calculate page number for table of content

I use "Siegmann epublib" library to extract the contents of epub files in an android project. I can show total content of the book and paginate that; but how should I find a correlation between table of contents and these pages? as table of contents…
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1 answer

Failed to resolve: com.osbcp.cssparser:cssparser:1.5 HtmlSpanner-NightWhistler

I integrated HtmlSpanner into my Android application. I'm getting the following error: Failed to resolve: com.osbcp.cssparser:cssparser:1.5. How do I solve this error? Thanks for help
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